Process Names
VPS print files are routed through the IBM® Connect:Direct® network by specifying the SNODE keyword on the submitted Process. To provide flexibility, you can set up the VPS IBM Connect:Direct printer either to submit a single Process name regardless of printer class or to submit a Process name with the printer output class appended to the name.
- Define the CDSNODE in the VPS Printer Definition Table
- Define the CDPMBR in the VPS Printer Definition Table
- Use a VPS printer name of seven characters or less
- Use a VPS printer name of eight characters
This flexibility enables a VPS printer to submit Processes that send print files to one or more IBM Connect:Direct SNODEs.
Use the following table to select the best method for your environment.
Where to Code | Keyword | Requirements | Results |
Use Default (Do not code) | None | 1 to 7-character printer name | Process name is the VPS Printer name with the class appended. |
Use Default (Do not code) | None | 8-character printer name | Process name is the VPS Printer name. |
VPS Printer Definition Table | CDSNODE | Value for CDSNODE Process name specified in CDPMBR |
Process name is the printer name. (Class is not appended.) |
VPS Printer Definition Table | CDSNODE CDPMBR | Value for CDSNODE and CDPMBR | Process name is the name specified in CDPMBR. (Class is not appended.) |
VPS Printer Definition Table | CDPMBR | 8 characters | Process member name remains the same for all print files. (Class is not appended.) |
VPS Printer Definition Table | CDPMBR | Up to 7 characters | Process name is the name specified in CDPMBR (Class is appended.) |
For example, if you select CDPMBR=CDPROC and the output print class is A, IBM Connect:Direct searches the Process library for the Process name of CDPROCA. If you select an output print class of C for the same printer, IBM Connect:Direct searches for the Process name CDPROCC.
However, if you use an eight-character name such as CDPMBR=DGAXPRC1, the Process name for that printer is DGAXPRC1, regardless of the printer class.