Process Names

VPS print files are routed through the IBM® Connect:Direct® network by specifying the SNODE keyword on the submitted Process. To provide flexibility, you can set up the VPS IBM Connect:Direct printer either to submit a single Process name regardless of printer class or to submit a Process name with the printer output class appended to the name.

By appending the printer class to the name, one VPS/CDI printer can submit up to 36 different Process names, one for each printer class A–Z or 0–9. You can control the Process name being submitted with the VPS printer name and VPS printer definitions as follows:
  • Define the CDSNODE in the VPS Printer Definition Table
  • Define the CDPMBR in the VPS Printer Definition Table
  • Use a VPS printer name of seven characters or less
  • Use a VPS printer name of eight characters

This flexibility enables a VPS printer to submit Processes that send print files to one or more IBM Connect:Direct SNODEs.

Use the following table to select the best method for your environment.

Where to Code Keyword Requirements Results
Use Default (Do not code) None 1 to 7-character printer name Process name is the VPS Printer name with the class appended.
Use Default (Do not code) None 8-character printer name Process name is the VPS Printer name.
VPS Printer Definition Table CDSNODE Value for CDSNODE

Process name specified in CDPMBR

Process name is the printer name. (Class is not appended.)
VPS Printer Definition Table CDSNODE CDPMBR Value for CDSNODE and CDPMBR Process name is the name specified in CDPMBR. (Class is not appended.)
VPS Printer Definition Table CDPMBR 8 characters Process member name remains the same for all print files. (Class is not appended.)
VPS Printer Definition Table CDPMBR Up to 7 characters Process name is the name specified in CDPMBR (Class is appended.)
Note: IBM Connect:Direct searches the IBM Connect:Direct Process library, SDGAPROC, for the Process name. You must define the Process names in the Process library.

For example, if you select CDPMBR=CDPROC and the output print class is A, IBM Connect:Direct searches the Process library for the Process name of CDPROCA. If you select an output print class of C for the same printer, IBM Connect:Direct searches for the Process name CDPROCC.

However, if you use an eight-character name such as CDPMBR=DGAXPRC1, the Process name for that printer is DGAXPRC1, regardless of the printer class.