Suspending and Resuming Quiesce and Trace Settings
IBM® Connect:Direct® uses a node table to manage Quiesce and Trace settings for the adjacent nodes in the Netmap. When IBM Connect:Direct is initialized, it adds all Netmap adjacent node records to a new node table. It applies the Quiesce and Trace INITPARMs to the node table entries. After IBM Connect:Direct is initialized, node table entries are added or deleted by Netmap updates.
If a Netmap update adds a new node, the node is added to the node table with TRACE OFF and QUIESCE OFF. If a Netmap update does a $$REPLACE or a $$DELETE followed by a $$INSERT in the same run, any pre-existing node table settings for that node are preserved. If a Netmap update does a $$DELETE and a subsequent Netmap update run adds the node back, the node is added to the node table with TRACE OFF and QUIESCE OFF.
The Modify Nodes screen and the output from the INQUIRE DEBUG command list all of the adjacent nodes in the node table.
For information about Trace and Debug settings, refer to IBM Connect:Direct Function Traces.
Use the MODIFY SESSIONS command to suspend processing on a single node, multiple nodes, or all nodes, and to resume processing on any or all suspended nodes. For example, you can suspend processing on a node because of problems but leave other nodes operating. Another example would be the suspension of a node that you know will be down for some time.
The MODIFY SESSIONS command has the following format and parameters.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | MODIFY | SESSIONS = Quiesce | Resume (WHERE(NODE=node name)) |
The following table describes the parameters of the MODIFY SESSIONS command.
Parameter | Description |
SESSIONS = Quiesce | Resume (WHERE(NODE=node name)) |
Controls the automatic establishment of DTF-to-DTF
sessions. Quiesce specifies that no new DTF-to-DTF sessions are started after executing Processes complete. Interactive users can sign on. Any Processes that normally execute are placed in the WAIT queue. Resume terminates a quiesce state and returns to normal operation. The WHERE(NODE=) parameter enables you to suspend or resume processing on a single node, multiple nodes, or all nodes. You can use this parameter in the following circumstances:
The node name subparameter is the 1–16 character local node name specified in the network map of the affected node. You can also use the * (for a string) and ? (for an individual character) wildcard characters to specify a generic node name. For example, the following command suspends processing on all node names that begin with NODE.CHICAGO. SESSIONS=QUIESCE (WHERE(NODE=NODE.CHICAGO*)) Note: If you use the * wildcard, and
it is not the last character, you must put the entire node name in
single quotes. Otherwise, the node name is truncated at the first
*, and more nodes may be selected than was intended. For example,
node names starting with NODE.CHICAGO can be specified either as NODE.CHICAGO*
or 'NODE.CHICAGO*'. But node names containing NODE.CHICAGO must be
specified as '*NODE.CHICAGO*', not *NODE.CHICAGO* which would be functionally
equivalent to all nodes since the first character is *.
You can specify * as the node name to suspend or resume processing on all nodes. For example, the following command suspends processing on all nodes. SESSIONS=QUIESCE (WHERE(NODE=*)) If you omit the WHERE(NODE=) parameter, the command applies to the entire IBM Connect:Direct system. However, a system-wide RESUME command does not override the processing of any individually suspended nodes. You must issue the SESSIONS=RESUME command with WHERE(NODE=*) to resume processing on individually suspended nodes. Note: If the command is issued on an SNODE to quiesce processing
with a PNODE, the session with the PNODE is established. However,
as soon as the PNODE node name is determined, the session is terminated.
No processing of data occurs.