Displaying IBM Connect:Direct/Plex Status

The INQUIRE CDPLEX command displays IBM® Connect:Direct®/Plex status information. It has the following format.

Label Command Parameter
(optional) INQuire CDPLEX  

The INQUIRE CDPLEX command has no parameters.


The following figure shows a partial sample report.

Inquire CDPLEX            mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss
XCF Group Name    : TPXCFGRP   When Activated    : mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss
SYSPLEX Sys Name  : CSGB       JOB/STC Name      : CD$MGR
Active Servers    :    1       Maximum Servers   :   32
Server            : SERVER1    When Activated    : mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss
SYSPLEX Sys Name  : CSGB       JOB/STC Name      : CD$SRV1
Active Processes  :    0       Maximum Processes :  250
Server Supports   : CTCA   SNA   IPv4
Server PLEXCLASSES:(A        B        1        *       )