The SELECT TCPXLAT command uses the following format and parameters. The required parameter is in bold print. Default values for parameters and subparameters are underlined.

Label Command Parameters
(optional) SELect TCPXLAT
WHERE (TRTCPNAM = ( | (list))
              TRTCPADR = ( | (list)))
PRint | DISplay

The following table describes the SELECT TCPXLAT command parameters:

Parameter Description

       ( | (list))
       ( | (list)) )
Specifies which TCP host name or network address resolution you want to examine. This parameter is required. Provide one of the following subparameters:

TRTCPNAM = ( | (list)) specifies a translation from host name or alias to a real address. Type this name in the standard format with each of the qualifiers being from 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters, with a maximum name length of 64 characters. Specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses and separating each by a comma or a blank.

TRTCPADR = ( | (list)) specifies a translation from an IP address to the host name for that network. Type this address in the dotted format (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) with a maximum length of 15 characters including periods. Specify a list of addresses by enclosing them in parentheses and separating each by a comma or a blank.

PRint | DISplay Specifies where output is directed. Indicate only one. When you submit this command through DGADBATC, use the PRINT parameter only.