Use the IOEXIT Parameter (z/OS to z/OS)

You can specify use of an I/O exit by the inclusion of the IOEXIT keyword on the COPY statement. The IOEXIT keyword is valid in either the FROM or TO clause of the COPY statement. You can specify a different user-written IOEXIT on each side as shown in the following example. The exit must, however, reside on the node where it is referenced.

The exit referenced in this COPY (OUEXT03) must reside in an authorized loadlib at the destination site.

In this example, INEXT01, an IOEXIT program, on the source IBM® Connect:Direct® node will be invoked and passed two parameters-a character string (‘DB0A05’) and a hexadecimal value (X‘0E’). It will pass records using IBM Connect:Direct to OUEXT03, an IOEXIT on the destination IBM Connect:Direct node.

COPY  FROM  (PNODE                               -
             IOEXIT=(INEXT01,C’DB0A05’,X’0E’))   -
      TO    (SNODE                               -