SYSOPTS Syntax Conventions (z/OS to HP NonStop)

This Process will copy a file from the z/OS node to the HP NonStop node. Because the Process is submitted from the z/OS node, syntax conventions must follow those established for z/OS. In this example, bracketing backslashes are used to continue a string containing special characters across multiple lines.

SYSOPTS  PROCESS      PNODE=SC.OS390.NODE1           -
                      SNODE=TSCI.HPNONSTOP           -
                      SNODEID=(157.214 ABLE1)
STEP01   COPY  FROM  (DSN=DATA1.SMALLER              -
                      UNIT=SYSDA)                    -
               TO    (DSN=$C.ACCTPROC.HPNONSTOP      -
                      SYSOPTS=\"’SET EXT(10,10)\ ||  -
                              \ ,XLATE ON\ ||        -
                              \ ,TYPE E\ ||          -
                              \ ,REC 100’"\          -

Multiple SET commands can also be specified as follows:

SYSOPTS  PROCESS      PNODE=SC.OS390.NODE1           -
                      SNODE=TSCI.HPNONSTOP           -
                      SNODEID=(157.214 ABLE1)
STEP01   COPY  FROM  (DSN=DATA1.SMALLER              -
                      UNIT=SYSDA)                    -
               TO    (DSN=$C.ACCTPROC.HPNONSTOP      -
                      SYSOPTS=\"’SET EXT(10,10)\ ||  -
                              \  SET XLATE ON\ ||    -
                              \  SET TYPE E\ ||      -
                              \  SET REC 100’"\      -