Copy to an Entry-Sequenced File (z/OS to HP NonStop)

This Process, submitted from Connect:Direct® for HP NonStop, contains two steps:

  • STEP1, which executes a FUP RUN TASK to purge a file. (Note the ! character in the PURGE command— it is required when issuing some FUP commands in BATCH mode.) The output from the FUP process will be written to spool location $s.#FUP.
  • STEP2, which executes a COPY to pull a file from z/OS to HP NonStop. The HP NonStop file is created NEW, so the desired file attributes are specified in SYSOPTS. The space attributes are explicitly declared rather than allowing them to default to the space information provided by the z/OS node. Checkpointing is disabled (CKPT=0K).
    A110257  PROCESS   SNODE=CD.OS390
    STEP1    RUN TASK  PGM=FUP PNODE                         -
                       PARM=("/OUT $S.#FUP/"                 -
                             "PURGE $B.FILERESO.A110257 !")
    STEP2    COPY FROM (SNODE DISP=SHR                       -
                        DSN=DATA1.SEQ.A110257)               -
                  TO   (PNODE DISP=NEW                       -
                        DSN=$B.FILERESO.A110257              -
                        SYSOPTS=("SET TYPE E"                -
                                 "SET CODE 0"                -
                                 "SET REC 4000"              -
                                 "SET BLOCK 4096"            -
                                 "SET EXT(32,32)             -
                                 "SET MAXEXTENTS 128"        -
                                 "SET XLATE ON")             -