Installing on Windows
Before you begin, see Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements.
Make sure you have added firewall rules for inbound and outbound connections between Web Services and Connect Direct Server. Firewall rules must allow inbound connections to the specified Web Services port. Connect Direct server must also have its API port open for web service.
To install IBM® Connect:Direct® Web Service on a Windows platform follow the steps given below.
If you downloaded the software from IBM Passport Advantage, unzip the Installer zip file and
double click on
file.Note: For information on the how to download software using Passport Advantage see, Passport Advantage.InstallAnywhere window appears containing a progress bar and Cancel button. Wait for the progress bar to complete to 100%. - Installation Folder window appears. This window serves as a welcome screen with a Guided Setup on the left. The Guided Step up is an installation status panel. As you complete each task, the status panel is updated. Click Next. In the Installation Folder window, use the default location or click Choose and specify a different location. Click Restore Default Folder to choose the default location.
- Click Next to continue.
The Ports window appears. Enter the following:
- Secure Port that the Web Services uses to connect to the Web Server. For
https://<hostname:port>/cdws-doc/signOn.html https://<hostname:port>/cdws-ui/index.html Default: 9443
- Enter PostgreSQL database connection details. For example:
Default: 5342 Password:<password> Re-Enter Password:<password>
- Secure Port that the Web Services uses to connect to the Web Server. For
- Click Next to continue.
- In the Pre-Installation Summary window, review the information, and then click Install.
Generate Certificate window appears.
This window informs the user of two certificate generation options available to the user.Click Next to continue.
Choose Certificate window appears. This window provides users two
options that can be used to generate a certificate:
- Default Certificate
- Self-Signed Certificate
Note: When installation is complete, users can add a CA-signed certificate or any other certificate in the existing Keystore/Truststore. User can also add a new Keystore/Truststore. For more information, see Configuring Keystore/Truststore. - Select Default option to generate a Default certificate. Click Next to continue
- The Certificate Details window appears. This window displays Default certificate details. To generate a Default Certificate, click Next.
- A Default certificate is generated and Installation Complete screen appears. Click Done.
- Alternatively, select Self-Signed option to generate a User-Defined certificate.
The Keystore screen appears. Set the Keystore
password to generate a self-signed certificate.
Click Next.
- Enter the Keystore password again to confirm the user input. Click Next.
The Self-Signed Certificate screen appears. Enter certificate details in
the fields, as applicable. To generate a Self-Signed Certificate Next.
Table below describes self-signed certificate field, descriptions, example, and default values.
Table 1. Self-Signed Certificate generation field descriptions Fields Description Example value Default Value Certificate label Any descriptive name to identify the certificate. mycertificatename connectdirectwebservices Certificate Expiry Time Enter the certificate expiration date in days 278 days 365 days Max value: 3649 days
Common Name (CN) Identifies the host name associated with the certificate yourdomain <hostname> Organization The legal name of your organization. This should not be abbreviated and should include suffixes such as Inc, Corp, or LLC.
Note: Do not abbreviate or use any of these symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ ? > < / \.MyOrganizationName Inc. organizationname Locality The city where your organization is located.
Irving Irving State The state/region where your organization is located. Note: Do not use abbreviations.Texas Texas Country The two-letter ISO code for the country where your organization is location.
US US E-mail ID An email address used to contact your organization. - Self-Signed certificate details summary window appears. Click Next to continue.
- A Self-Signed certificate is generated and Click Next to continue.
- Installation Complete screen appears. Click Done.