Copy to Non-TMS Controlled Tapes (VSE)

This Process copies two non-TMS controlled tapes. The input tape is 3480/3490 cartridge and the output tape is reel (3420). This Process runs on the same IBM® Connect:Direct® node using PNODE=SNODE processing. This Process uses symbolic values.

TAP2TAP1 PROC  PNODE=SC.VSE.USER01                                              -
               SNODE=SC.VSE.USER01                                              -
               &FCUU=CART                                                       -
STEP001  COPY  FROM ( PNODE                                                     -
                     DSN=TEST.TAPE.FILE                                         -
                     UNIT=&FCUU                                                 -
                     LABEL=(1,SL)                                               -
                     VOL=SER=(807012)                                           -
                     DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)                        -
                     )                                                          -
               TO    ( SNODE                                                    -
                     DSN=NON.DYNAM.TAPE                                         -
                     UNIT=&TCUU                                                 -
                     LABEL=(1,SL,,,EXPDT=99365)                                 -
                     DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=16000)             -
                     )                                                          -