Copy a Non-controlled Sequential File to a MSAM File (VSE)

This Process copies a non-controlled BSAM (sequential) file into a MSAM (VSAM Managed SAM) file. The disk data set has already been defined to the appropriate system catalog (the default ESDS model). This Process runs on the same IBM® Connect:Direct® node using PNODE=SNODE processing and uses symbolic values.

When you reference BSAM libraries in a IBM Connect:Direct Process, you must specify: DSORG, DSN, UNIT, and VOL=SER= parameters.

DSK2MSM1 PROC PNODE=SC.VSE.NODE                                                -
              SNODE=SC.VSE.NODE                                                -
STEP0001 COPY  FROM ( PNODE                                                    -
                    DSN=LRR.LREC480.ADDX                                       -
                    DISP=SHR                                                   -
                    VOL=SER=USER01                                             -
                    DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800)               -
                    )                                                          -
               TO   ( SNODE                                                    -
                    DSN=&VSEDSN                                                -
                    DISP=RPL                                                   -
                    UNIT=DISK                                                  -
                    VOL=SER=USER06                                             -
                    SPACE=(80,(500,300))                                       -
                    VSAMCAT=(VSE.COMMON.CATALOG,X,X,,123)                      -
                    DCB=(DSORG=MSAM,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=16000)           -
STEP0002 IF    (STEP0001 EQ 0) THEN
                    RUN TASK (PGM=DMNOTIFY,                                    -
                        PARM=(’GOOD’,&VSEDSN))                                 -
                    RUN TASK (PGM=DMNOTIFY,                                    -
                        PARM=(’FAIL’,&VSEDSN))                                 -