This VPS library contains the following library members and parameters supported by IBM® Connect:Direct®:
Member | Description |
VPSSTART | Contains the VPS system initialization parameters. The following keyword must be added to activate the VPSSCDI program. KEYCDI activates the VPSSCDI program. |
MLISTMEM | This member contains the VPS printer activation member inclusion list. Add IBM Connect:Direct printers to this member. |
VPSxxxx | These members contain the VPS printer initialization parameters. |
The following table describes the keywords for a IBM Connect:Direct printer definition:
Keyword | Description |
DDSNPFX | Required. Specifies the high-level qualifier VPS uses when creating the IBM Connect:Direct staged dataset. The default is VPS. |
DEVTYPE=V.CDI | Required. Defines a printer as a IBM Connect:Direct printer. |
CDNETMAP | Specifies the IBM Connect:Direct network map dataset name. The default is to use the DMNETMAP DD statement specified in VPS startup. |
CDPLIB | Defines the IBM Connect:Direct process library dataset name. The default is to use the DMPUBLIB DD statement specified in VPS startup. |
CDPMBR | Specifies the process member name to submit. The default is the printer name with the class appended. |
CDSNODE | Defines the SNODE to be passed to the Process. The default is to use the SNODE defined in the Process. |
DSPACE | Specifies the amount of DASD space to be allocated to the DASD dataset. |
DUNIT | Specifies the unit type of the device on which the DASD is to be allocated. |
DVOLUME | Specifies the volume on which the DASD is to be allocated. |