This VPS library contains the following library members and parameters supported by IBM® Connect:Direct®:

Member Description
VPSSTART Contains the VPS system initialization parameters. The following keyword must be added to activate the VPSSCDI program. KEYCDI activates the VPSSCDI program.
MLISTMEM This member contains the VPS printer activation member inclusion list. Add IBM Connect:Direct printers to this member.
VPSxxxx These members contain the VPS printer initialization parameters.

The following table describes the keywords for a IBM Connect:Direct printer definition:

Keyword Description
DDSNPFX Required. Specifies the high-level qualifier VPS uses when creating the IBM Connect:Direct staged dataset. The default is VPS.
DEVTYPE=V.CDI Required. Defines a printer as a IBM Connect:Direct printer.
CDNETMAP Specifies the IBM Connect:Direct network map dataset name. The default is to use the DMNETMAP DD statement specified in VPS startup.
CDPLIB Defines the IBM Connect:Direct process library dataset name. The default is to use the DMPUBLIB DD statement specified in VPS startup.
CDPMBR Specifies the process member name to submit. The default is the printer name with the class appended.
CDSNODE Defines the SNODE to be passed to the Process. The default is to use the SNODE defined in the Process.
DSPACE Specifies the amount of DASD space to be allocated to the DASD dataset.
DUNIT Specifies the unit type of the device on which the DASD is to be allocated.
DVOLUME Specifies the volume on which the DASD is to be allocated.