Copy a DBCS File From VMESA to UNIX Using the KSCXEBC Translation Table

The following host-to-UNIX DBCS translation uses the default translation table KSCXEBC. This COPY statement copies a data set from a host Connect:Direct® for VM/ESA to a UNIX node.

/*          HOST to UNIX DBCS translation using table KSCXEBC       */
STEP02  COPY                                                        -
              TO    (PNODE                                          -
                     DSN='hlq.HOSTFILE'                             -
                     SYSOPTS="DBCS=KSCXEBC"                         -
                     DISP=(RPL,CATLG)                               -
                     UNIT=SYSDA                                     -
                     DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=254,BLKSIZE=4096,DSORG=PS) -
                     SPACE=(254, (1000,100))                        -
                    )                                               -
              FROM  (SNODE                                          -
                     DSN='/unixfile'                                -
                     SYSOPTS=":xlate=no:strip.blanks=no:"           -
                     DISP=SHR                                       -
  • The copy step is named STEP02.
  • The SYSOPTS attribute specified in the TO clause of the COPY statement is used to define the default translation table KSCXEBC.
  • The DCB attributes specified on the TO clause of the COPY statement are used for file allocation.
  • Unit is specified on the PNODE.
  • The SYSOPTS parameter on the FROM clause of the COPY statement is required.