Upgrade – Upgrading a Release

To upgrade the chart ensure that the pre-installation tasks requirements are in-place on the cluster (Kubernetes or OpenShift). Following things must be considered while following pre-installation tasks requirement for upgrade:
  1. Since, upgrade takes backup of configuration data on the Persistent Volume. Ensure that you have sufficient space available to accommodate the backup and running IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX data. A copy of backup is kept on Persistent Volume to enable rollback in case of upgrade failures.
    Example: The default minimum Persistent Volume size requirement for new deployment is 100Mi. We can just double it for upgrade ie. 200Mi.
  2. Re-run the PodSecurityPolicy/SecurityContextConstraints scripts to ensure that the any new changes are in-place in namespace/project on Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster respectively.
  3. Check the CD secrets are still valid and available on the cluster.
  4. Depending upon the accessibility of the public internet on the cluster. The upgrade procedure can be Online upgrade and Offline upgrade.

Online upgrade

You have access to the public internet on the cluster. Thus, you have access to Entitled registry and IBM public GitHub repository. Follow these steps to upgrade the chart with release name my-release:
  1. Update the local repo:
    helm repo update
  2. Download the newer helm chart:
    helm pull ibm-helm/ibm-connect-direct
    The helm chart gets pulled in current directory.
  3. Untar the chart and run the PodSecurityPolicy/SecurityContextConstraints scripts to ensure any new required change is in-place on the cluster. Refer Creating Pod Security Policy for Kubernetes Cluster and Creating security context constraints for OpenShift Cluster as applicable on the cluster.
  4. Upgrade the chart.
    helm upgrade --reuse-values my-release -f values.yaml ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz

Offline upgrade

You don't have access to the public internet on the cluster. Thus, Entitled registry and public IBM GitHub registry cannot be accessed from cluster. So, you need to follow the Offline (Airgap) Cluster procedure to get the installation files. Follow these steps to upgrade the chart with release name my-release:
  1. After you have the installation files, go inside the charts directory used for downloading the files.
    cd <download directory>/charts
    Download directory is directory where the installation files have been downloaded.
  2. Untar the chart and run the PodSecurityPolicy/SecurityContextConstraints scripts to ensure any new required change is in-place on the cluster. Refer Creating Pod Security Policy for Kubernetes Cluster and Creating security context constraints for OpenShift Cluster as applicable for the cluster.
  3. Upgrade the chart:
    helm upgrade --reuse-values my-release -f values.yaml ibm-connect-direct-1.1.x.tgz
    Refer steps mentioned in Validating the Installation for validating the upgrade.
Note: For both online and offline processes:
  • Do not change/update the values of Connect Direct configuration parameters.
  • If any new parameters are introduced in the new chart and you are upgrading using new chart. Then, all those new parameters should be either passed with "--set" option or using a yaml file with "-f" option. The parameter can have default values as specified in the new chart or you can change the values as per your configuration requirement.