IBM Connect:Direct Automatic Traces
You can activate some internal IBM® Connect:Direct® traces without using the DEBUG bits. Activate these traces during normal IBM Connect:Direct operation. Others traces are useful mostly for problem diagnosis. You can activate each of these automatic IBM Connect:Direct traces by having a DD statement in the IBM Connect:Direct startup JCL or allocated in a TSO session, except for NDMCMDS, which is allocated in the JCL for DGADBATC or through the IUI. For more information, see DD Statements in Startup JCL.
Note: To avoid generating excessive output, review Security Traces.
Some of the most useful automatic traces are:
- DMVSOPEN contains information related to the allocation of the target data set.
- ESTAE captures information on I/O errors; VTAM connection errors; ABEND control blocks; open and close errors; TCQ/TCX errors on add, update, and so forth; and statistics file write errors. Provided in the basic DGAJCONN JCL member.
- CDESTAE contains various I/O errors from the statistics facility.
- RPLERRCK captures VTAM send and receive errors. Provided in the basic DGAJCONN JCL member.
- NDMCMDS shows all actual IBM Connect:Direct commands issued to the DTF, including resolution of symbolics. It can be particularly helpful to debug IBM Connect:Direct commands through the IUI or through batch interface if you are having signon problems, syntax errors, and so forth.
- NDMLOG lists all initialization parameters read from the INITPARM data set including obsolete parameters, which are indicated by SITA995I messages, and all modules, along with the last date on which they were modified, and related fix numbers. Provided in the basic DGAJCONN JCL member.
- CDLOG is a chronological log of IBM Connect:Direct events listing all master, console, programmer, and operator messages, and information on failed tests.