IBM Connect:Direct Parameters for Communicating with B2B Integrator
- (FROM) FILE=/businessprocess/yourBusinessProcess/yourSourceFile | /mailbox/yourMailbox/yourSourceFile
specifies the source document in a B2B Integrator business process or mailbox. Specify a slash (/), followed by the keyword, businessprocess or mailbox, followed by the name of your business process or mailbox, a slash (/), and the name of the source document file.
- (TO) FILE=/businessprocess/yourBusinessProcess/yourDestinationFile | /mailbox/yourMailbox/yourDestinationFile
specifies the destination document in a B2B Integrator business process or mailbox. Specify a slash (/), followed by the keyword, businessprocess or mailbox, followed by the name of your business process or mailbox, a slash (/), and the name of the destination document file.
- business process name
indicates the specific B2B Integrator business process being submitted from a IBM® Connect:Direct® node.