Suspending or Resuming Processing on Nodes through the Modify Nodes Screen

To suspend or resume processing on nodes through the Modify Nodes screen:

  1. Request option MD from the Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu to access the MODIFY COMMAND screen.
  2. Type YES in the MODIFY NODES field.
  3. Press ENTER. The Modify Nodes screen is displayed.
     CD.PRD                        MODIFY NODES (Unsaved Changes)     Row 1 of 1054
     CMD ==>                                                       SCROLL ===> PAGE
    (SEL commands: C=Clear Q=Quiesce R=Resume. Overtype Debug setting.)
     SEL  Node Name         Quiesce  Debug     Chg
     ---  ----------------  -------  --------  ---
          CD.PRD.CSGA       OFF      11111111
          CD.PRD.CSGB       OFF      11111111
          CD.PRD.CSGD       OFF      11111111
          CD.PRD.CSGE       OFF      11111111
          CD.PRD.CSGF       ON       11111111  Y
          CD.PRD.CSGG       OFF      11111111
          CD.PRD.VIPA       OFF      11111111
          CD.TST            OFF      FFFFFEFF
          CD.TST.%%%%%      OFF      FFFFFEFF
          CD.TST.CSGA       ON                 Y
          CD.TST.CSGB       OFF      FFFFFEFF
          CD.TST.CSGD       OFF      FFFFFEFF
          CD.TST.CSGG       OFF      FFFFFEFF
          CD.TST.CTCA1      OFF      FFFFFEFF
          CD.TST.CTCA2      OFF      FFFFFEFF
          CD.TST.CTCA3      OFF      FFFFFEFF
  4. Use one of the following methods to suspend processing of specific nodes:
    • Type Q in the SEL column next to the matching node names. The Chg field for those nodes will display Y.
    • From the CMD line, use the QUIESCE nodename command to turn the Quiesce setting on for the rows with matching nodenames.
    Note: You can use the * (for a string) and ? (for an individual character) wildcard characters to specify a generic node name. Unlike the MODIFY SESSIONS command, you do not have to enclose the node name in single quotes if you use the * wildcard and it is not the last character. In fact, if you do, as a result, there will probably not be any matches since quotes are treated like any other character.

    Use one of the following methods to resume processing of a specific node:

    • Type R in the SEL column next to the matching node names. The Chg field for those nodes will display Y.
    • From the CMD line, use the RESUME nodename command to turn the Quiesce setting off for the rows with matching nodenames. Refer to the Suspending and Resuming Quiesce and Trace Settings for information about the RESUME command.
  5. Type SAVE in the CMD field and press ENTER to save your changes.