
After you review the system requirements and other planning information, you install IBM Certified Container Software for Connect Direct UNIX by completing the pre-installation tasks and installation process. Before you begin consider the following:

  • A Helm chart is organized as a collection of files inside a directory by the name of the Chart itself. For more information see, Helm Charts.

    Example Helm Chart

    <Name of a Chart/> 
      Chart.yaml          # A YAML file containing information about the Chart.
      LICENSE             # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing the license for the Chart.           # OPTIONAL: A README file.
      requirements.yaml   # OPTIONAL: A YAML file listing dependencies for the Chart.
      values.yaml         # The default configuration values for this Chart.
      Charts/             # A directory containing any Charts upon which this Chart depends.
      templates/          # A directory of templates that, when combined with values, generates valid Kubernetes manifest files.
      templates/NOTES.txt # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing short usage notes.
    • This Helm chart deploys IBM Connect:Direct for Unix on a container management platform with the following resource deployments:
      • statefulset pod <release-name>-IBM-connect-direct-0

        1 replica by default

      • configMap <release-name>-ibm-connect-direct

        This is used to provide default configuration in cd_param_file.

      • service <release-name>-ibm-connect-direct

        This is used to expose the IBM Connect:Direct services for accessing using clients.

      • service-account <release-name>-ibm-connect-direct-serviceaccount

        This service will not be created if serviceAccount.create is false.

      • persistence volume claim <release-name>-ibm-connect-direct.
  • Certified Container Software commands

    For more information on other commands and options, see Helm Commands.

    1. To install a Chart
      $ helm install
    2. To upgrade to a new release
      $ helm upgrade
    3. To rollback a release to a previous version
      $ helm rollback
    4. To delete the release from Kubernetes.
      $ helm delete