Upgrading Guidelines
Observe the following guidelines for upgrading IBM® Connect:Direct® Web Service from an earlier version.
- Before you perform any upgrade procedure, create backup copies of the following IBM
Connect:Direct Web Service database and system
files. Taking a backing of the following files will helps you preserve your data and restore the
previous set up in case of a failed upgrade.Note: The file path given below are relative to the installation directory.
- If in any case upgrade installation is corrupted, you have the option to re-install the earlier version, replace the backup files and restart the services manually.
File Name | Path |
application.properties | /mftws/BOOT-INF/classes |
hiddenFile | /mftws/BOOT-INF/classes |
ssl-server.jks | /mftws/BOOT-INF/classes |
trustedKeystore.jks | /mftws/BOOT-INF/classes |
script utilities | /bin |
uninstall.sh | /UninstallerData |
log4j2.yaml Note: For users upgrading from a version <v6.1.0.3 backup log4j.properties
/mftws/BOOT-INF/classes |
silentInstall.properties | /mftws/BOOT-INF/classes |
** for users upgrading from a version <= v6.0.0.4
File Name | Path |
Redis | /redis |
* for users upgrading from v6.0.0.5 and above
File Name | Path |
PostgreSQL | /PostgreSQL |
Upgrading Connect:Direct Web Services on zLinux and AIX systems
Observe the following guidelines only when you upgrade from v6.1.0.0 or later.
Note: Do not
log into the Connect:Direct Web Services application until the database backup and restore scripts
complete all of its processes as described below.
- Ensure that the following two scripts are placed inside the same directory other than the
installation directory. These scripts come bundled in installer .tar.gz
backup.sh restore.sh
- Issue the following command to initiate database backup.Note: Ensure that the PostgreSQL database password, hostname, and port entries must match the database connection details provided at v6.1.0.0 or later version install.
bash-5.0# ./backup.sh Enter absolute path of PostgreSQL bin directory: /usr/bin Enter PostgreSQL Password: Enter PostgreSQL Hostname: localhost Enter PostgreSQL Port: 5432
- Initiate the upgrade process as described in Upgrading Web Services on AIX and Upgrading Web Services on zLinux.
- Execute the following command to initiate database
bash-5.0# ./restore.sh Enter absolute path of PostgreSQL bin directory: /usr/bin Enter PostgreSQL Password: Enter PostgreSQL Hostname: localhost Enter PostgreSQL Port: 5432
- The upgrade process is complete. You can now login to the application via. Web Console or RESTful API interface.