Establishing Preferences
Throughout your session with Connect:Direct® Requester, certain predefined preferences are in effect. Connect:Direct establishes default user preferences during installation. You can modify preferences at any time to more accurately reflect how you work. Preferences save you time, since preferences are used for all instances, except when you override the values.
To establish preferences:
- From the Connect:Direct Requester Main Window, select Tools > Options.
- To set general preferences, change the values in the fields
on the General tab of the Options panel.
Field Description Reload last saved workspace at startup
When selected, Connect:Direct Requester displays the last saved workspace when you log in. Track Processes in the execution status window
To obtain summary information about a Process and display the information in the Execution Status Window. This option establishes the default for the Submit Process page.
Enable in-place editing
To directly change the label field on the Program Definition Editor (PDE) and eliminate the need to edit the labels through the Process Properties page.
Activity log
Use the options in this window to display the activity log in the Output window, save the activity log to a file, append data to the log file, or create a new log file every time you start Connect:Direct.
Check Enable the activity log in the Output window to display the activity log there.
Check Write the activity output to a file and type the name of the file to write the activity log to a file. Select the appropriate button to create a new file every time you start Connect:Direct Requester or to append activity to the existing log file at startup.
- To set Process preferences, click the Process
Defaults tab and change the values.
Field Description Valid Values Hold To hold Processes in the Hold queue in HI (Held Initially) status until explicitly released. A Process submitted with Hold set to Yes is placed in the Hold queue even if you specify a Start Time.
No—Execute a Process as soon as resources are available.
Yes—Hold a Process.
Call—Hold a Process until the remote node connects to the local node. At that time, the Process is released for execution.
Retain Processes are retained in the Hold queue in HR (Held for Retain) status after execution. You can release the Process for execution later through the Process Monitor function or explicitly delete it.
No—Do not retain Processes after execution.
Yes—Retain Processes after execution.
Initial—Retain Processes in the Hold queue in HR status for automatic execution every time the Process Manager initializes. Do not provide a start time parameter when you choose this option.
Plexclass The class that directs the Process to only certain servers in a Connect:Direct/Plex. This parameter is only used in a Connect:Direct/Plex.
Name of the class.
CRC Specifies whether CRC checking is turned on.
The default value for the local node is OFF. The default value for the remote node is blank.
The remote node defaults to blank to simplify the use of the crc.override parameter. When crc.override is enabled in the initialization parameter, only the nodes that require a different configuration need to be changed.
OFF | ON | blank
OFF—Do not perform CRC checking.
ON—Perform CRC checking.
blank—Use the value defined in crc.override.
Priority The preferred priority of a Process in the TCQ. Connect:Direct uses the priority parameter for Process selection. A Process with a higher priority is selected for execution before a Process with a lower priority.
The valid range is 1–15, where 15 is the highest priority.
Class The preferred session class on which a Process can execute. A Process can execute in the class specified or any higher session class.
Values range from 1 to the maximum number of local node sessions in the network map definition.
Notify Userid The computer name of the user to receive Process completion messages.
A valid computer name.
Accounting Data An arbitrary string used as the preferred accounting information for the PNODE or the SNODE or both nodes.
The maximum length of the string is 256 characters.
- To set Work List preferences, click the Work
List tab and change the values.
Field Description Valid Values Track worklist is the worklist status window
Determine if Work List statuses are reported in the status window.
On or Off
Max Delay for Serial Execution
Identifies the maximum amount of time to wait. This parameter is useful when the Process is submitted by a batch file and you want to suspend further execution of the batch file until the submitted Process completes.
Unlimited—The command processor waits until the Process completes execution.
Time and hh:mm:ss—Select this option and type the time to wait for a Process to complete.
- To set directory preferences, click the Directories tab
and change the values.
Field Description Processes To define the default directory for Process files
Work Lists To define the default directory for Work Lists.
Process Monitors To define the default directory for Process Monitor files.
Statistics Monitors To define the default directory for Statistics Monitors.
Start "Save as" in these directories Select this check box to make these directories the default when saving.
- To set file type preferences, click the File Types tab
and select the file extensions to associate with Connect:Direct.
File Extension Description .cdp Process Definitions .cdw Work Lists .cds Statistics Monitors .cdm Process Monitors .cdn Network Map - To set statistics preferences, click Select Stat Defaults
and change the values.
Field Description Valid Values Monitor Determine if all statistics are monitored or only selected statistics, based on criteria or for Step and Process completion only. If you choose All, indicate the time range for the selection.
All Statistics For Last _ hrs:min
Filter Using Selection Criteria Pages
Step and Process Completion Statistics Only
Refresh Display Identify whether you want the Statistics Monitor display to be refreshed. Specify the interval in minutes between refreshes if you choose the Refresh every _ minutes. Refresh every _ minutes
Refresh on open
Autoscroll—Display the latest statistics
- To set Process Monitor preferences, click Select
Proc Defaults and change the values.
Field Description Valid Values Monitor Determine if all Processes will be monitored or only selected Processes, based on selection criteria.
All Processes
Filter Using Selection Criteria Page
Refresh Display Identify whether you want the Process Monitor display to be refreshed. Specify the interval in seconds between refreshes if you choose Refresh every _ seconds.
Refresh every _ seconds
Refresh on open
- Click OK.