Resolving the Problem

If Support cannot resolve the problem during, it is documented as a case and is assigned a reference number. Refer to this number when forwarding documentation or calling support.

Severity Level Definition
Severity 1 Production system is down; requires immediate attention. For example, excessive abnormal termination.
Severity 2 A major problem or question; the product operates but is severely restricted. For example, an incorrect response from a frequently used command.
Severity 3 A non-critical issue is encountered with the product, but the majority of functions are still usable. For example, an incorrect response from an infrequently used command.
Severity 4 A minor problem or question that does not affect product function. For example, the text of a message is misspelled.

All cases are prioritized based on severity.

Escalating a Problem Resolution

If our normal support cycle does not produce the results you require or your issue has changed in severity, you can escalate the case. To escalate a case, contact the technician responsible for your problem.