Connect:Direct for i5/OS File Support
A file is an object that contains a set of related records grouped as members. A file must have one or more members.
When copying a file to or from a Connect:Direct® for i5/OS node, you can specify whether:
- To send an entire file.
- To send one specific file member.
- To select certain members for transmission (with the SELECT parameter).
- To exclude certain members from transmission (with the EXCLUDE parameter).
- To rename a member (with the NEWNAME parameter).
- To replace existing members of the same name at the receiving node (with the REPLACE and NOREPLACE parameters, or the R and NR subparameters of the SELECT parameter).
Use the following guidelines when copying a file:
- You cannot use EXCLUDE and SELECT if the FROM DSN or TO DSN contains a member name.
- The hierarchy for the SELECT and EXCLUDE parameters from highest override priority to lowest, is:
- Exclude by member name
- Select by member name
- Exclude by generic (or range)
- Select by generic (or range)
- Combine various specifications in a list after the EXCLUDE parameter
- If you specify EXCLUDE and do not specify SELECT, all members not excluded are copied. If you do not specify EXCLUDE and specify SELECT, only selected members are copied.
- When copying to a file, all members are sent unless one of the following conditions exists:
- The SELECT option is specified.
- The EXCLUDE option is specified.
- A member name is specified.