Support policy for Container Delivery Models

The support policies for container delivery models are as follows.

Support statement for IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX certified containers for Red Hat that are deployed using OpenShift Container Platform

IBM® Connect:Direct® for UNIX certified containers for Red Hat are built to deploy on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. The product containers and deployment model are certified by IBM to be production ready, enterprise-grade, resilient, secure and compliant in many public and private clouds which the OpenShift Container Platform supports. IBM Technical Support supports this delivery model across the lifecycle management of IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX certified containers, including container orchestration scripts in OpenShift Container Platform and product documentation.

Support statement for IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX certified containers deployed on non-OpenShift Container Platform

For users who choose to deploy the IBM certified containers on; proprietary container orchestration tools such as EKS/GKE/AKS/PCF, on public cloud such as Amazon/Azure/ Google or in their private cloud using native Kubernetes, the IBM Technical Support is limited to the base Connect:Direct for UNIX software, certified containers, and HELM package manager. IBM provides limited support for the container editions that are deployed in proprietary renderings for Kubernetes. The non-conformant characteristics of such tools hinder the ability for IBM to assist users in all scenarios.

Support policy statement for containers that are created by users

For users who have created custom docker containers for IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX and have deployed in any Kubernetes platform, the IBM Technical Support is limited to the technical inquiries in the core Connect:Direct for UNIX. IBM recommends using IBM provided certified containers and not the user created containers for Connect:Direct for UNIX.