Positional Parameters for Adjacent Node Entries

The network map adjacent node entry contains positional and keyword parameters. Following are the positional parameters for the network map adjacent node entry:

Parameter Description
nodename The first positional parameter is the 1–16 alphanumeric character node name. This name represents the partner IBM® Connect:Direct® and is used in communications with the local IBM Connect:Direct. This parameter is required. The node name is always changed to upper case in the network map, regardless of the remote platform.
Note: Connect:Direct for z/OS® does not accept the following characters for the node name:
  • < less than
  • ¬ logical not
  • , comma
  • > greater than
  • = equal sign
  • / forward slash
  • * asterisk
  • \ backward slash
  • ' single quote
  • " double quote
  • ( open parenthesis
  • ) close parenthesis
Important: Characters used in Netmap Node Names (or Secure+ Node Names or Secure+ Alias Names) should be restricted to A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and @ # $ . _ - to ensure that the entries can be properly managed by Control Center, Connect:Direct Browser User Interface, or Sterling Connect:Direct Application Interface for Java (AIJ) programs.
communications name | channel-range-start-addr The second positional parameter is the 1–8 alphanumeric character communications name. It specifies the network name of the partner IBM Connect:Direct. It can be an SNA VTAM APPLID or a TCP/IP port number. This parameter is optional.

For SNA, this field must contain the VTAM APPLID of the remote IBM Connect:Direct node that the local DTF uses for DTF-to-DTF communications with the remote node.

This name is the same name that is defined for the communications name in the network map of the remote IBM Connect:Direct node.

For OpenVMS and HP NonStop, use the PNODE.LUS and SNODE.LUS parameters and leave this field blank.

For TCP/IP, this field contains the TCP/IP port number of the remote partner IBM Connect:Direct. You do not need to use this field if the partner IBM Connect:Direct is initialized using the default TCP/IP port number. This port number does not change the port number for the host IBM Connect:Direct that is defined at initialization. See Multiple Port TCP/IP Listen for more information about the TCP/IP port number.

For CTCA, this field contains the CCUU of the first CTCA address used by this node.

remote library name | IP address or Alias | addr-count The third positional parameter is for the Host ID (DNS), or IP Address, or Library name. This is for I5/OS or TCP/IP nodes only.

For I5/OS nodes, this parameter specifies the name of the library where the IBM® Connect:Direct for I5/OS program SMMAIN resides for the partner IBM Connect:Direct.

For TCP/IP nodes, this parameter specifies the IPv4 address (1-15 dotted decimal characters), DNS alias name (1-16 alphanumeric characters) or the IPv6 address (1-39 colon separated hexadecimal characters) to establish the TCP/IP session.

For DNS alias names greater than 16 characters, leave this field blank and use the LDNS parameter.

For CTCA, this parameter specifies the number of CTCA addresses used by this node. Specify this with an even number value (a minimum of 2).

session type The fourth positional parameter is the session type. It specifies the type of session communications protocol to use for communications with this adjacent node. This parameter is required for i5/OS adjacent nodes and any node using a protocol other than LU0. Valid values are:

SNA (for LU0 protocol)

SNUF (for LU0 protocol for the i5/OS)

LU62 (for LU6.2 protocol)

TCP (for TCP/IP protocol)

CTCA (for Channel to Channel connections)
Note: SNA is the default if this positional parameter is left blank.
security node type The fifth positional parameter is the security node type. It classifies the node as an internal or external node. Specify this parameter for Trusted Node security. It is optional if you do not use Trusted Node security.

For further information on Trusted Node security refer to Trusted Node Security .

EXTERNAL|EXT specifies an external security classification for this node.

INTERNAL|INT specifies an internal security classification for this node. This is the default.

data direction restriction The sixth positional parameter is the data direction restriction. It identifies the copy initiation abilities of this adjacent node with the local node. For further information on data direction restriction, refer to Data Direction Restriction. This parameter is optional. Valid data direction values are:

RECEIVE|RECV indicates that when the adjacent node initiates a transfer, it is only allowed to receive data from this node. It is never allowed to send data to this node.

Note: For CTCA, RECEIVE|RECV indicates that the first address in channel-range-start-addr is used for inbound traffic; the next address is used for outbound traffic. For two IBM Connect:Direct systems to communicate through CTCA, one adjacent node must specify SEND and the other must specify RECEIVE|RECV.

SEND indicates that when the adjacent node initiates a transfer, it is only allowed to send data to this node. It is never allowed to receive data from this node.

Note: For CTCA, SEND specifies that the first address specified in channel-range-start-addr is is used for outbound traffic; the next address is used for inbound traffic.

For two IBM Connect:Direct systems to communicate through CTCA, one adjacent node must specify SEND and the other must specify RECEIVE|RECV.

BOTH indicates that when the adjacent node initiates a transfer, it is allowed to both send and receive data from this node. This value is the default.

NONE indicates that when the adjacent node initiates a transfer, it is neither allowed to send or receive data from this node.