Copying a File from Your Node to Your Node

Use Connect:Direct® for z/OS® CICS® to copy a file from your node back to your node, by performing the following procedure:

  1. Select option CF from the PRIMARY MENU and press ENTER to display the COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES screen.
    Note: You are signed on to a z/OS node for this example. Ensure that your node name is in the node list at the top of the screen. If it does not display, ask the administrator to start your node on the network. Alternatively, you can type in your node number, node name, and environment directly.
  2. Type in your node number in the SENDING NODE NUMBER field.
  3. Type in your node number in the RECEIVING NODE NUMBER field and press ENTER.
  4. Ensure that all your entries are correct and press ENTER.
  5. Assuming the sending file is cataloged, on the COPYFILE - SENDING FILE (z/OS) screen, type in the SENDING DSNAME and press ENTER.
  6. On the COPYFILE - RECEIVING FILE (z/OS screen, type in the RECEIVING DSNAME and press ENTER.
  7. When the Process is submitted to IBM® Connect:Direct, the COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES screen with the PROCESS NUMBER message is displayed. This number indicates the number assigned to your Process.
  8. Press PF4 to go to the PRIMARY MENU.
  9. Select option SP to go to the SELECT PROCESS screen to check on the status of your Process.
  10. On the SELECT PROCESS screen select option O for OPERATOR TABLE, select A for all queues, type in the PROCESS NUMBER you observed from the COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES screen, and press ENTER to display the status.