Adding a new Keystore and Key Certificate

If you wish to import a Key Certificate with a different password, you can add a new Key Store with a new Key Certificate:
  1. Create a new Keystore with a new Key Certificate.
  2. Change the Keystore from Web Console or using following utility:
    java -jar ChangeKeystoreTruststoreAndUpdatePassword.jar
    Enter Admin Password:
    Please Select from below options:
    1. Type K and Enter to Change Keystore OR Sync Keystore Password with CDWS.
    2. Type T and Enter to Change Truststore OR Sync Truststore Password with CDWS.
    3. Type C and Enter to Sync Key Certificate Password with CDWS.
    4. Type Q and Enter to Exit.
    Enter your Choice: K
    Enter the complete path of Keystore: (including fileName(.jks)):
    Enter Keystore Password:
    Confirm Password:
    Keystore details updated successfully
    Press Y to Continue OR Q to Exit:Q
    Exiting the Utility.
  3. Edit file and change the value of server.ssl.key-alias property with Key Certificate Alias to be used by Connect:Direct Web Services.
  4. Depending on your environment type, issue one of the following commands:
    • In Windows, stop and start MFTWebservices from the Task manager for changes to take effect.
    • In UNIX, issue the following command to stop and start MFTWebServices for changes to take effect.