Primary Options Menu

The Primary Options Menu contains the IBM® Connect:Direct® functions which are available to most users.

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CD.ART           IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS          Primary Options Menu
Option ===>

Select one of the following:

   CF    - Copy a file                                    *********************
   SB    - Submit a predefined process                    *                   *
   DF    - Define a process using ISPF Edit               * Today: 08.30.2018 *
   SS    - View statistics for a completed process        * Time:  14:00      *
   S2    - Advanced view statistics                       * UID:   EPETE1     *
   MB    - Submit a batch to Connect:Enterprise for z/OS  *                   *
   CP    - Change characteristics of a process            * OPT Enabled       *
   DP    - Delete a non-executing process                 * OPT Part-Enabled  *
   FP    - Flush an executing process                     * OPT Disabled      *
   SP    - View data about an executing process           *                   *
   PS    - Suspend an executing process                   *********************
   MSG   - View Connect:Direct message text
   SW    - Swap among concurrent Connect:Direct sessions
   SD    - View/Change your Connect:Direct signon information defaults
   NM    - View information in the Connect:Direct network map
   WHO   - View characteristics of your Connect:Direct IUI environment
   SPF   - Enter ISPF/PDF
   AUTH  - View your Connect:Direct function authorization
   MS    - Sign on to multiple Connect:Direct nodes concurrently
   ADMIN - Perform Connect:Direct administrative functions

To request a function, type its option identifier on the command line (CMD==>) and press Enter.

Selection Panel Flower box legend

The Primary Option Menu, like other IUI selection menus, has a flower box with the date, time, UID, and a legend of color scheme indicating user's authority to functions on the menu. If an option navigates to another selection menu, the color indicates the user's authority to the functions on that menu.
  • If an option has the same color as the flower box string OPT Enabled (default=WHITE), then the user is fully authorized to use the function, or all the functions in the menu it navigates to.
  • If the option is the same color as OPT Part-Enabled (default=GREEN), then the user is authorized for some of the functions in the menu it navigates to.
  • If the option is the same color as OPT Disabled (default=BLUE) then the user is not authorized for the function or any function in the menu it navigates to.

For example, if the Primary Option Menu ADMIN option is BLUE, the user is not authorized for any of the functions on the ADMIN selection menu, and cannot even navigate to it via the Primary Option Menu. If the ADMIN option is GREEN, the user is authorized for at least one, but not all of the functions on the ADMIN selection menu, and can navigate to it. If the ADMIN option is WHITE, the user is authorized for all the functions on the ADMIN selection menu, and can navigate to it.

The color scheme enables users to see what they are authorized to use on the selection menus, without having to navigate to the User Authorization screen and interpret its contents. The colors can be changed by your Connect:Direct System Administrator.

Create and Submit Processes

The following options enable you to create and submit Processes to the TCQ:

Option Description
CF Displays the main Copy File Menu where you can set up a COPY Process.
SB Displays the Submit Process screen where you can submit a predefined Process.
DF Displays the Process Definition Screen where you can define or update a Process using the ISPF edit function and then submit the Process.

See Building, Modifying, and Submitting Processes for more information.

The following option enables you to view statistics related to completed Processes:

Option Description
SS Displays the Select Statistics screen where you can examine the system statistics log records with search criteria applied and select the output to go to a file, table, or printer. See Process Results and Statistics for more information on the Select Statistics screen.
S2 Displays the Advanced Select Statistics screen where you can enter all selection criteria in one scrollable panel. It also allows you to use the new *NODE selection criteria.

The following options enable you to delete, flush, view, suspend, and change Processes in the TCQ:

Option Description
CP Accesses the Change Process screen where you can change the priority and class of a Process and the status of the Process in the TCQ. See Modifying a Process in the TCQ with CHANGE PROCESS for more information on the Change Process screen.
DP Displays the Delete Process screen where you remove a nonexecuting Process from the TCQ.
FP Displays the Flush Process screen where you can remove an executing Process from the TCQ.
SP Displays the Select Process screen where you view the status of Processes submitted (placed in the TCQ) for execution. See Controlling Processes with Commands for information.
PS Displays the Suspend Process screen where you put an executing Process in the Hold TCQ. See Controlling Processes with Commands for information.

The following options enable you to view your IBM Connect:Direct environment:

Option Description
MSG Displays the Message Maintenance screen where you can display IBM Connect:Direct messages or print a summary or full report of the IBM Connect:Direct message file. See Viewing and Printing Messages Using Different Criteria for more information on the Message Maintenance screen.
SD Displays the Signon Defaults screen where you can examine and change your signon default values. See Signing On to Connect:Direct for z/OS® for more information on the Signon Defaults screen.
NM Displays the Select network map screen, where you choose for display or print the defined nodes from the network map file and translate TCP/IP host names and network addresses.
WHO Displays the User Information screen, which indicates your user ID, user node, version, release, maintenance level of IBM Connect:Direct and file information about your current session. See Signing On to Connect:Direct for z/OS for more information on viewing current sign on parameters.
AUTH Displays the User Authorization screen. This screen displays commands you are authorized to use. See Displaying Your User Authorization for more information.

The following options enable you to sign on and swap among multiple sessions:

Option Description
MS Displays the Multiple Session Signon screen where you sign on to another DTF session. See page 46 for information.
SW Displays the Swap/Display User Sessions screen where you view all the multiple sessions that you are signed on to and swap sessions. See Signing On to Multiple Sessions for more information on the Multiple Session Signon screen.

The following options display other menus:

Option Description
SPF Displays an ISPF/PDF session, one level beneath IBM Connect:Direct panels. See Navigating the Interactive User Interface for information on branching to an ISPF/PDF session.
ADMIN Displays the Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu with command options used for administering the system.