Interface Request Management
CICS® user requests are placed on a work queue with one queue per node. The one or more WSTs attached per node dispatch work from the queue. Maximum queue length by node is defined with a CONFIGURATION DTF node parameter which defines the number of queue entries.
When WST (session limit) is reached and additional WSTs cannot be attached to dispatch work from the queue, requests remain on the work queue until a WST becomes available. When the number of allowed WSTs for a given node is held to a minimum, yet user activity for the given node is high, increase the number of queue entries.
Work queue size is also affected by the CONFIGURATION control option worker retry interval which defines the time elapsed between attempts to obtain a free WST to dispatch work present on the work queue. IBM® Connect:Direct® user requests are rejected with a DTF busy message, when a DTF node queue reaches its maximum allowed number of entries.
The CONFIGURATION DTF node parameter defines worry time. A message is written to the log when a request to that node takes longer than the specified amount of time. No action is taken by the CICS Interface to automatically abort any requests which take too long.
The CICS Interface also has one system queue for system commands (for example, SHUTDOWN and QUIESCE) to dispatch system requests. You cannot adjust the system queue size.