Installation Requirements
Connect:Direct® for z/OS® requires the following hardware and software. However, this is not a complete list. See the Program Directory for the complete list of requirements, and for more information on several of the items listed below:
- Authorized Library - Connect:Direct for z/OS must run from an APF-authorized library. If it is not authorized, you receive message SITA117I during initialization, and it terminates.
- Connect:Direct for z/OS VSAM space requirements - For information, see VSAM Files DASD Requirement and Description
- High-Level Assembler - High-Level Assembler is required to assemble the sample Connect:Direct for z/OS exits in the SDGASAMP dataset.
- TSO with ISPF/PDF - You must have IBM® Time Sharing Option (TSO) with ISPF version 6.0 or later.
- SNA Network Requirements - Network support for Connect:Direct for z/OS requires both of the following: VTAM Communications Server and IBM Advanced Communications Functions for Network Control Program (NCP)
- IBM Connect:Direct Spool Transfer - If you use the Spool Transfer feature for outbound spool transfers, you must have LRS (Levi, Ray, and Schoup, Inc.) VTAM Printer Support System (VPS) Release 6.2 or later, Version 1.12 or later and LRS VPS/CDI Option installed. No additional software is required for inbound transfers.
- The CICS Interface - If you use the CICS interface, you must have at least 200 tracks of 3390 disk space available and be using CICS/TS version 3.01.00 or higher.
- All other requirements as listed in the Program Directory for IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS.