Updating the Control Record

To access the CONTROL RECORD UPDATE screen, select option C from the CONFIGURATION screen, and press Enter. Only one CONTROL RECORD exists for the CICS® Interface system. This control record contains global configuration parameters. Following is an example of the screen.

                   CONNECT:DIRECT ADMINISTRATION        16:13:15
                      CONTROL RECORD UPDATE

 AUTO.SIGNON ............................  Y         Y OR N
 SIGNON.REENTRY .........................  N         Y OR N
 CONNECT:DIRECT.EQ.CICSID ...............  Y         Y OR N
 SKIP.SIGNON.PANEL ......................  N         Y OR N
 CST.RETRY.INTERVAL .....................  000500    HHMMSS
 SESSION.RETRY.INTERVAL .................  0100      MMSS
 ESF.RETRY.INTERVAL .....................  001500    HHMMSS
 WORK.RETRY.INTERVAL ....................  0015      MMSS
 MONITOR.INTERVAL .......................  30        SS
 INACTIVE.INTERVAL ......................  003000    HHMMSS
 MAX.SIGNON .............................  0100
 MAX.TASKS ..............................  02        01-99
 STORAGE.SUBPOOL ........................  127       002-127

 MENU OPTIONS:           
  CF Y  SB Y  SS Y  SP Y  SD Y  SN Y  MD Y          Y OR N

 PF keys:  3 Exit   9 Update   Enter Edit   Clear Reset

The entry fields are:

Field Description
AUTO.SIGNON Specifies whether Connect:Direct® for z/OS® automatically signs you on if a signon defaults record is defined with a CICS userid matching the userid that you specify at CICS signon. The signon defaults record for that CICS user must specify a valid IBM® Connect:Direct userid, password and DTF node name. If you specify Y, auto-signon is used if the required information is available; if you specify N, auto-signon is not used. The default is Y.
SIGNON.REENTRY Specifies whether the CICS Interface remembers that a CICS user previously signed on to the IUI. If this feature is enabled, the user is able to exit the IBM Connect:Direct CICS Interface to perform another CICS function and reenter without signing on again.

Signon reentry is not performed for a user who signs off CICS itself and then signs back on again to CICS. Signon reentry is only in effect after the first signon to the IBM Connect:Direct CICS Interface. If you specify Y, signon reentry is performed when appropriate; if you specify N, signon reentry is not performed. The default is N.

CONNECT:DIRECT.EQ.CICSID Specifies whether the CICS Interface denies a signon attempt if the IBM Connect:Direct userid does not match the CICS userid specified at CICS signon. If you specify Y, a signon is rejected if the IDs do not match; if you specify N, no check takes place. The default is Y.
SKIP.SIGNON.PANEL Specifies an optional CICS signon interface that does not require you to retype a userid and password. Validity of this approach depends upon a secure environment existing prior to you selecting the CICS Interface; in other words, userid and password validation by a security subsystem (CA-ACF2, RACF®, and so forth) upon original signon to the system. Enable this option by typing Y for this parameter on the Control Record Update screen. The control record can also be set during installation by typing SKIP.SIGNON.PANEL=Y on the CONFIGURATION FILE - CONTROL PARAMETER RECORD screen. The default is N.
CICS.TRANSACTION.CODE (MONITOR) Specifies the 1-4 character transaction codes to be used for the CICS Interface monitor transaction. The monitor transaction scans for pending requests from users and for completed work by IBM Connect:Direct. If the MONITOR TRANSACTION CODE is not specified during installation, it defaults to DGAM. If you change this parameter, you must also change the supplied transaction definition.
CICS.TRANSACTION.CODE (STARTUP) Specifies the 1-4 character transaction codes to be used for the CICS Interface start transaction. If you use the startup PLT to activate the CICS Interface at CICS initialization, this transaction is submitted to run immediately following the completion of CICS initialization processing. If you do not specify the STARTUP TRANSACTION CODE parameter during installation, it defaults to DGAI. If you change this parameter, you must also change the supplied transaction definition.
CICS.TRANSACTION.CODE (PRINT) Specifies the 1-4 character transaction codes to be used for the CICS Interface print transaction. This transaction is attached to the CICS printer in response to CICS print requests. If the PRINTER TRANSACTION CODE parameter is not specified during installation, it defaults to DGAP. If you change this parameter, you must also change the supplied transaction definition. Print requests are handled by writing print lines to the CICS Transient Data Area (TDA). When the data is ready for output, a transaction sends the data to the CICS printer specified in the SIGNON DEFAULTS.
CICS.TRANSACTION.CODE (ESS) Specifies the 1-4 character transaction code to be used for the Connect:Direct for z/OS Event Services Support. If this parameter is not specified during installation, it defaults to DGAE. If you change this parameter, you must also change the supplied transaction definition.
CST.RETRY.INTERVAL Specifies the time interval (in hours, minutes and seconds) between attempts to restart an ABEND of CST (controller subtask). The controller subtask is an operating system subtask responsible for monitoring the worker subtasks responsible for interaction with active IBM Connect:Direct DTFs defined in DTF Node Records (that is, DTFs to which CICS users can sign on). The default is 000500 (5 minutes).
SESSION.RETRY.INTERVAL Specifies the time interval (in minutes and seconds) between attempts to establish a VTAM® session with a DTF defined in a DTF Node Record (that is, a DTF to which CICS users can sign on directly). The default is 100 (1 minute).
ESF.RETRY.INTERVAL Defines the time interval (in hours, minutes and seconds) between attempts to establish a primary session with a IBM Connect:Direct DTF when, during a prior attempt, the DTF is not active and the node is activated in ESF mode. A node is activated in ESF mode only if the DTF it defines supports ESF. The default is 001500 (15 minutes).
WORK.RETRY.INTERVAL Specifies the time interval (in minutes and seconds) between the time a unit of work is submitted but cannot be placed in the work queue for a particular node and the time that unit of work is cancelled. The size of the work queue for a particular node is governed by the ENTRIES IN WORK QUEUE parameter in the DTF Node Record. The default is 0015 (15 seconds).
MONITOR.INTERVAL Contains the time interval, expressed as seconds, between scans for work by the monitor transaction. This parameter is a 2-character field. The monitor watches all Processes, queues, tasks, and task lengths, and regulates the flow of tasks in the system to ensure that any particular task does not seize the computer resources. When all Processes and tasks are completed or pending action by the DTF, the monitor waits for the specified interval before rescanning the work queue. The default is 30 (seconds).
INACTIVE.INTERVAL Specifies the amount of time (in hours, minutes and seconds) that a worker subtask (WST) is allowed to be inactive before it is detached by the controller subtask (CST). The default is 003000 (30 minutes).
MAX.SIGNON Contains the maximum number of CICS users and reflects the relative size of the signon table file. This parameter is a 4-character field. The default is 100 entries.
MAX.TASKS Contains the maximum number of simultaneous subtasks that can be attached in the CICS address space. This parameter is a 2-character field. Specify this field as the total of the worker subtask counts for all DTF Node Records defined to the CICS Interface. The default is 2.
STORAGE.SUBPOOL Contains the number of the operating system storage subpool from which the CICS Interface acquires operating system storage. This parameter is a 3-character field. Numbers 002-127 are user-defined (numbers 000, 001, 128-255 are system-defined) areas of storage related to each other usually by the requirements of your session. DTF keeps track of all storage for a given user Process and task. The default is subpool 127.

Menu Options

The following options contain a Y or N which enables or disables the options on the PRIMARY MENU of the general user. You can use these Y/N flags to determine the level of functionality to be provided by IBM Connect:Direct.

These options affect all users of Connect:Direct for z/OS. If you want to limit the functionality available to specific users, you must use either the authorization functions of IBM Connect:Direct (select only the appropriate options when defining that user in the IBM Connect:Direct Authorization File) or the IBM Connect:Direct Security exit (set an Authorization Bit Mask to allow or restrict the appropriate options).

Option Description
CF Contains the toggle to turn off the COPY FILE option on the PRIMARY MENU. The field is one character long; Y permits you to copy files; N denies permission.
SB Contains the toggle to turn off the SUBMIT PROCESS option on the PRIMARY MENU. The field is one character long; Y permits you to submit Processes; N denies permission.
SS Contains the toggle to turn off the SELECT STATISTICS option on the PRIMARY MENU. The field is one character long; Y permits you to select statistics; N denies permission.
SP Toggle to turn off the SELECT PROCESS option on the PRIMARY MENU. The field is one character long; Y permits you to select Processes; N denies permission.
SD Contains the toggle to turn off the SIGNON DEFAULTS option on the PRIMARY MENU. The field is one character long with a Y or N; Y grants permission to change default signon options; N denies permission.
SN Contains the toggle to turn off the CHANGE SIGNON option on the PRIMARY MENU. The field is one character long with a Y or N; Y grants permission; N does not.
MD Contains the toggle to turn off the MESSAGE DISPLAY option on the PRIMARY MENU. The field is one character long with a Y or N; Y grants permission to use this option; N does not.