Upgrading Guidelines for Related Software

Observe the following additional guidelines:

Related Software Guideline
IBM® Connect:Direct® Requester The installation has changed from a single-user installation to all users. Any user who is logged on can start IBM Connect:Direct Requester. Because the configuration is user specific, IBM Connect:Direct Requester automatically creates the base registry key if one does not exist.
Microsoft Installation (MSI) does not recognize Install Shield installations; therefore, Install Shield and MSI cannot point to the same installation folder or you may have problems uninstalling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows. If you upgrade IBM Connect:Direct Requester, the installation copies the folders of the older version of IBM Connect:Direct Requester to the new installation directory before the new version is installed. The new version overwrites existing files in the destination folder.
Connect:Direct File Agent When you upgrade Connect:Direct File Agent, it is installed as a service on Microsoft Windows using the Local System Account. If you change the user account for Connect:Direct File Agent after installation, each time you perform an upgrade, you must change from the Local System Account to a different user account for the service.