Custom Messages in the Message Library
You can load special user-defined messages into the IBM® Connect:Direct® message library. The sample format for the IBM Connect:Direct message source in the following figure is in the DGAXMSGC member of the IBM Connect:Direct sample library, $CD.SDGASAMP.
Note: Use the exact format as follows. You cannot use
STEXT= This is an example of the short text message (one).
L01 = This is an example of the long text message (one). As
L02 = many as 12 lines may be used for the long text message.
L03 =
L04 =
L05 =
L06 =
L07 =
L08 =
L09 =
L10 =
L11 =
L12 =
Observe the following rules for variables and message IDs:
- The DELETE and INSERT variables are 1–8 characters.
- The MODULE variable is 1–64 characters.
- The STEXT and L01 through L12 variables are 1–63 characters.
- To insert a message ID, the INSERT, MODULE, STEXT, and L01 through L12 variables are required.
- To delete a message ID, the DELETE variable is required.
- To replace a message ID, the DELETE, INSERT, MODULE, STEXT, and L01 through L12 variables are required.
The job stream in the following figure is in the DGAJMSGL member of the IBM Connect:Direct $CD.SDGAJCL library. After copying the message source into your message source library and making changes as needed, run this job stream to add your messages to the IBM Connect:Direct message library.
Note: For SMP/E installations, add the message source to the SDGAMSGS target library as an SMP/E USERMOD. MSGLOAD JCL can then process it.
Make the following changes to the job:
- Change the PARM statement to reference the file name of the IBM Connect:Direct VSAM message file. This value is the same value specified in the MSGDSN initialization parameter.
- Change the STEPLIB DD card to reference the SDGALINK.
- Change the INPUT DD card to reference the message source text. Source text is normally stored in a member in library SDGAMSGS. A sample format is in the member DGAXMSGC in the IBM Connect:Direct sample library, $CD.SDGASAMP.