Basic System Administrative

The Administrative Options Menu provides access to system administration functions. To access this menu, do one of the following:

  • Select ADMIN from the Primary Options Menu.
  • Type =ADMIN on any IBM® Connect:Direct® screen command line and press ENTER.

The following figure is an example of the Administrative Options Menu. To access a function, type the function abbreviation on the command line and press ENTER.

Note: Various functions on the Administrative Options Menu may not be available to all users. Access is controlled through the User Authorization file.
  View  Modify  Control  Delete  Secure+  Help
CD.ART             Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu
Option ===>

Select one of the following:

   ST    - View type record                               *********************
   IT    - Insert/Update type record                      *                   *
   DT    - Delete type record                             * Today: 08.30.2018 *
   SU    - View user authorization record                 * Time:  14:05      *
   IU    - Insert/Update user authorization record        * UID:   EPETE1     *
   DU    - Delete user authorization record               *                   *
   TS    - View Connect:Direct tasks                      * OPT Enabled       *
   TF    - Flush a Connect:Direct task                    * OPT Part-Enabled  *
   S     - Execute Secure Plus Commands                   * OPT Disabled      *
   MD    - Modify Connect:Direct trace characteristics    *                   *
   C     - Enter a native Connect:Direct command          *********************
   SN    - Terminate Connect:Direct
   ARS   - ARS reporting facility
   NM    - View information in the Connect:Direct network map
   UNM   - Update the Connect:Direct network map
   INQ   - Inquire about DTF internal status
   STAT  - Perform statistics functions

Execute Secure Plus Commands option is not displayed, unless you have functional authority for Connect:Direct Secure Plus. See Functional Authority Privileges (specifically the information in BYTE8 in the DGA$MFLG macro).

Select the following options from the Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu.

  • To maintain the Type Defaults file with file attribute information used during Process submission, use the following options.
Option Description
ST Displays the Select Type screen where you can examine a record in the Type file and select the output to go to a file, table, or printer.
IT Displays the Insert/Update Type screen where you can add or change a record in the Type Defaults file.
DT Displays the Delete Type screen where you can remove a record from the Type file.
  • To maintain the User Authorization file that controls access to functions, use the following options.
Option Description
SU Displays the Select User screen where you examine the user profile in the Authorization file.
IU Displays the Insert/Update User screen where you can add a user to the system or change user privileges on the system.
DU Displays the Delete User screen where you can remove a user from the Authorization file.
  • To select and flush tasks, use the following options:
Option Description
TS Accesses the Select Task screen where you determine the task ID, type, and task number.
TF Displays the Flush Task screen where you can remove a task from the execution queue.
  • To perform Connect:Direct Secure Plus functions, use the following options. You must first select the Execute Secure Plus Commands from the Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu.
Option Description
CR Executes the Certificate Expiration Validation Command on demand to let you see warnings both for certificates that have expired and will soon expire.
RF Executes the Refresh Secure Plus Environment Command to update the SSL and TLS environments after you have changed security-related information.
SA Executes the Connect:Direct Secure Plus Admin Tool and displays the Connect:Direct Secure Plus Admin Tool Main Screen. See the IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus for z/OS Implementation Guide for more information on using Connect:Direct Secure Plus.
  • To initialize traces, suspend and resume sessions, modify initialization parameters, type native commands, terminate IBM Connect:Direct, and access ARS, use the following options.
Option Description
MD Displays the Modify Command screen where you can request traces and modify system functions. For information on the MODIFY command and trace and debug settings, see IBM Connect:Direct MODIFY Command. For information on the MODIFY SESSIONS command, see Suspending and Resuming Quiesce and Trace Settings . For information on the MODIFY INITPARMS command, see Modifying Initialization Parameter Settings while IBM Connect:Direct is Running.
C Displays the Native Command screen where you can type and execute any Connect:Direct for z/OS® command by providing it in native syntax. For information, see IBM Connect:Direct Native Command Structure .
SN Displays the Stop IBM Connect:Direct screen where you stop the operation of IBM Connect:Direct. For more information, see Stopping IBM Connect:Direct.
ARS Displays the ARS REPORT OPTIONS menu. While IBM Connect:Direct produces statistics, the Activity Reporting System (ARS) gives you access to more information and also provides sorting capabilities. For more information, see the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Facilities Guide.
  • To view and maintain the network map and translate TCP/IP names, use the following options.
Option Description
NM Displays the Select Network Map screen, where you choose to display or print, the defined IBM Connect:Direct nodes from the network map file and translation of TCP/IP host names and network addresses. For more information on the SELECT NETMAP command and the SELECT TCPXLT command, see The Network Map in IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS User Guide.
UNM Enables you to update the network map dynamically. For more information, see Updating the Netmap through the IUI Interface.
  • To inquire about DTF internal status and perform statistics functions, use the following options.
Option Description
INQ Displays the Inquire C:D Internal Status screen, from which you can request information about the:
STAT Displays the Statistics Command screen from which you can request functions related to the Statistics files, such as initiating statistics file pair switching, confirm statistics file archival, enable statistics recording, and disable statistics recording. For more information, see Retrieving Statistics with the SELECT STATISTICS Command.