Working with the Administration Interface

To access the IBM® Connect:Direct® ADMINISTRATION INTERFACE screen, select option I from the PRIMARY MENU and press Enter.

            IBM CONNECT:DIRECT ADMINISTRATION                  10:30:37

    OPTION ==>                                          CONNECT:DIRECT VER VV
                                                                       REL RR
                                                                       MOD MM

                            A ... ACTIVATE INTERFACE
                            M ... START MONITOR
                            I ... SHUTDOWN INTERFACE (IMMEDIATE)
                            S ... SHUTDOWN INTERFACE (NORMAL)

          PENDING REQUEST       NONE
          MONITOR TASK NUMBER   25
          ACTIVE TASKS          0

PF keys:   3 Exit   ENTER Refresh/Process

The INTERFACE screen is the key to activating, monitoring, and shutting down the CICS® Interface between CICS and the active IBM Connect:Direct DTF nodes. From the INTERFACE screen, you can manually initialize and terminate the operating system subtasks that perform the interaction with IBM Connect:Direct.

The following table describes each option for the INTERFACE screen.

Options Description
A Selecting this option, and pressing Enter activates the interface and automatically starts the monitor transaction.
M Selecting this option, and pressing Enter starts the monitor transaction. Only use this option in the event of a monitor transaction ABEND.
I Selecting this option, and pressing Enter performs an immediate (hard) shutdown of the interface. All IBM Connect:Direct user sessions are terminated, regardless of status.
S Selecting this option, and pressing Enter, performs a normal (soft) shutdown of the interface. All IBM Connect:Direct user sessions are allowed to complete execution.

The following table describes the system fields:

Field Description
VER (2-character field) contains the version number of the CICS Interface software.
REL (2-character field) contains the release number of the CICS Interface software.
MOD (2-character field) contains the modification number of the CICS Interface software.
INTERFACE STATUS (21-character field) contains ACTIVE or INACTIVE, depending upon the state of the interface. The field contains ACTIVE if the interface is active and changes to INACTIVE if the interface is deactivated.
PENDING REQUEST (18-character field) contains either NONE, if no activate or shutdown request is pending, or the type of request being processed.
MONITOR TASK NUMBER (11-character field) contains the number of the monitor transaction or a message such as NOT RUNNING, if the interface is not active.
ACTIVE TASKS (2-character field) contains the number of the active tasks.