CLI configuration record

The CLI configuration record, cli.parms, identifies the location of the script files to format the output of the select statistics and select process commands and allows you to customize the CLI prompt. If you customize the script to format the output of the select statistics and select process command, update the script.dir parameter to identify the location of the scripts. If you want to display a customized prompt at the CLI command line, in place of the default “Direct” prompt, identify the prompt to use in the prompt.string parameter. The cli.parms parameters are described in the following table:

Parameter Description Value
script.dir The directory where customized script files are stored. Specify this parameter if you have created a custom script to format the output of the select statistics and select process commands. The file names must be ndmstat and ndmproc. Directory name.

The default

directory is


prompt.string Identifies the CLI prompt to display on the command line when the client is started.

If the prompt string includes spaces or special characters, enclose it in single or double quotation marks.

You can set the customized prompt in this parameter and at the command line (using the -P parameter). If the prompt string is specified in both places, the -P parameter at the command line takes precedence.

When the default prompt is overridden, the new prompt string is displayed in the Welcome banner and at the command prompt.

Prompt string up to 32 characters. The default is “Direct”.