Sample Tapemount Exit
IBM® Connect:Direct® provides the following sample tapemount exit in the $CD.SDGASAMP.
Exits | Description |
DGAXTAPX | This exit interfaces with the StorageTek Tape Silo via SLA macro calls. You can modify this member to work with other vendors' Tape Silo products. |
You can use the sample JCL, DGAXATAP located in $CD.SDGASAMP, to assemble and link-edit the exit.
Observe the following restrictions and requirements:
- The name of the tapemount exit load module is user-defined, but it must not conflict with any other IBM Connect:Direct load module names.
- Because the control blocks provided by IBM Connect:Direct that the exit must access are located in storage requiring 31-bit addressability, you must link-edit the module with AMODE ANY to make it capable of executing in 31-bit mode.
- To activate the exit, specify TAPEMOUNT.EXIT = modname in the IBM Connect:Direct initialization parameters file. You must link-edit the tapemount exit as re-entrant and place in a load library that the IBM Connect:Direct DTF can access.
The TAPEMOUNT.EXIT parameters are:
Parameter | Explanation |
NOVOLS | Used to define the return code if all volumes for a tape mount request are not in the silo. Code with a value of 00, 04, or 08. |
VIRTVOL | Tell the exit how to treat a virtual tape VOLSER. Code with a value of OKAY or ERROR. |
TEST | Used to supply diagnostic test messages to a DD statement named to match the assembled program name. Code with a value of YES or NO. |
UID | Optional local identifier which appears in NDMLOG output with the PTF maintenance listing. |