Example 2 - Forcing the Confirm Prompt for General Users

If a user has the authority to delete, flush or suspend a Process, the default setting allows the user to perform the action automatically. As soon as the user enters the command, it is executed instantly. However, you can modify this default privilege and require a user to confirm the action before it is executed. In addition, you can specify whether a user can turn off the Confirm Delete/Flush/Suspend Command prompt for a particular session after the prompt displays at least one time.

The following sample procedure shows you how to turn on the Confirm Delete/Flush/Suspend Command prompt for users in the general user authority category but at the same time allow them to turn off the prompt for a particular session.

  1. Locate BYTE11 in the DGA$MFLG macro. Two of the four bits, GCDEL and GCDELOFF, turn on the Confirm Delete/Flush/Suspend Command prompt and if turned on, permit a user to turn off the Confirm Delete/Flush/Suspend Command prompt temporarily for the current session. (The other two bits pertain to the Submit within a Process and RUN TASK commands.)
  2. Locate the label in the DGAXAUTH macro that indicates the General User authorization bit mask setting (GUSRABM). General user BYTE 11 is currently set to the following values.
  3. To ensure that the Confirm/Delete/Suspend Command prompt displays for all users in the general user category, add GCDEL to change BYTE11 as follows:
  4. To let users in the general user category turn off the Confirm/Delete/Suspend Command prompt for a particular session, add GCDELOFF to change BYTE11 as follows:
  5. Reassemble and link-edit your security module that uses the DGAXAUTH macro.
  6. To put the new exit into effect, stop and restart IBM® Connect:Direct®.