Reusing the DGAXPRCT Exit

To facilitate the use of different testing scenarios, you can maintain multiple members in the DGAXPRCT Parameter Table PDS. To reuse the basic DGAXPRCT Parameter table but modify it to change the Processes which run and do not run, follow this procedure. It is not necessary to restart IBM® Connect:Direct®; the next time a Process begins executing, the new settings will be in effect when the DGAXPRCT exit reads the table.

To control the execution of the DGAXPRCT exit, make sure that only authorized operators can modify the DGAXPRCT Parameter Table PDS member using your security system.
  1. Open the DGAXPRCT Parameter Table using the ISPF text editor.
  2. Delete the current contents of the table member.
  3. Copy another member for the next testing scenario you want to use and modify it as needed.
  4. Save the DGAXPRCT Parameter Table PDS member.

    The next time the DGAXPRCT exit is invoked when a Process begins executing, the DGAXPRCT exit uses this updated table.