IBM Connect:Direct/Plex System File Considerations

All IBM® Connect:Direct®:/Plex members share a single set of IBM Connect:Direct system files. If you combine multiple existing IBM Connect:Direct systems into one IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment, you may need to merge some IBM Connect:Direct system files from the individual systems.

Do not merge system files that are listed in the following table.

File Comment
CKPT file You cannot merge the CKPT files from multiple IBM Connect:Direct images. You must either:
  • Define a new CKPT file using the DGAXCKPD JCL in the $CD.SDGASAMP library, or
  • Use the CKPT file from one of the existing IBM Connect:Direct systems. However, the existing CKPT file size may not be sufficient for a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment.
Message file You can use any existing IBM Connect:Direct Message file. You do not need to combine Message files from the individual IBM Connect:Direct systems.
Statistics files You cannot merge statistics files from multiple IBM Connect:Direct images. You can reference them using a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment as archived statistic files. You can create new statistics file pairs by using the DGAXSTAD JCL in the $CD.SDGASAMP library.
TCQ and TCX files You cannot merge TCQ and TCX files from multiple IBM Connect:Direct images. You must either:
  • Define new TCQ and TCX files using the DGAXTCQD JCL in the $CD.SDGASAMP library, or
  • Use the TCQ and TCX files from one of the existing IBM Connect:Direct systems. However, the existing TCQ and TCX file sizes may not be sufficient for a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment.

The following table lists system files that you need to merge.

File Comment
AUTH file If unique entries exist in the existing IBM Connect:Direct systems' AUTH files:
  1. Define a new AUTH file using the DGAXAUTD JCL found in the $CD.SDGASAMP library.
  2. Copy the existing AUTH files into the new AUTH file using the DGAXAUTC JCL found in the $CD.SDGASAMP library.

PLEXAUTC is an IDCAMS REPRO that specifies NOREPLACE. If any duplicate records exist, only the first one is saved.

If unique entries do not exist, use one of the existing AUTH files.

NETMAP file You need to create a new network map source file.

The new network map source file uses information from the existing systems' network maps. (If the existing IBM Connect:Direct systems' network map source is not available, create the source files by performing network map unloads for the existing systems' network map files. See Unloading the Network Map to the Source Format for more information.)

To create a new network map source file:

  1. Copy the network map source from an existing IBM Connect:Direct system as NETMAPLX.
  2. Copy the remote definitions from all other existing network map source files into NETMAPLX.
  3. Remove all duplicate entries.
  4. Define the new network map file using the DGAXNETD JCL found in the $CD.SDGASAMP library.
  5. Load the new network map file using the DGAXNETL JCL found in the $CD.SDGASAMP library.
  6. Check the output from network map load and correct any errors.
  7. Rerun the network map load if necessary.
TYPE file If unique entries exist in the existing IBM Connect:Direct systems' TYPE files:
  1. Define a new TYPE file using the DGAXTYPD JCL found in the $CD.SDGASAMP library.
  2. Copy the existing TYPE files into the new TYPE file using the DGAXTYPC JCL found in the $CD.SDGASAMP library.

The PLEXTYPC is an IDCAMS REPRO that specifies NOREPLACE. If any duplicate records exist, only the first one is saved.

If unique entries do not exist, use one of the existing TYPE files.