Signing On to Multiple DTFs from a Single IUI

Use the Connect:Direct® for z/OS® IUI to sign on to multiple IBM® Connect:Direct DTFs on either local or remote processors. To take advantage of this facility, consider the following:

  • Provide VTAM® access to the DTF you want to sign on to. For local DTFs (within the control of the same VTAM subsystem), you must provide IUI APPLIDs that may be used by ISPF or CICS® IUI facilities. If the DTF facilities are located on remote processors, you must define the IUI APPLIDs for those DTFs to the local VTAM subsystem as cross-domain resources.
  • For each DTF you want to access through the CICS IUI, you must define a DTF Node Record for that facility in your CICS configuration file. You can define the DTF Node Record by using the configuration update facilities of the DGAA transaction.
    All DTF nodes do not have to use the same Network Map file; for instance, if you want to communicate with two DTFs with different Network Map contents, you can specify an alternate Network Map in the CICS JCL (or using the RDO) and in the DTF node record in order to communicate with the second DTF, as long as that DTF is defined as an adjacent node in the Network Map.
  • The DTF node record in your configuration file must include the DD name of a Network Map file in order to communicate with the remote IBM Connect:Direct DTF. This Network map must have the remote DTF defined as an adjacent node.

  • All Processes to be submitted to a remote DTF facility must reside in the Process library (DD name DMPUBLIB) defined for your CICS system.