Example - Defining a TCP/IP Default Entry
The following example defines a TCP/IP default record using ADJACENT.NODE entries.
Note: For a TCP/IP default entry, the nodename parameter must be TCP.IP.DEFAULT and the session type must be TCP. A TCP/IP default entry is required if any Process uses SNODE=TCPNAME=.
In the previous example, nodename=TCP.IP.DEFAULT, communications name=2048, and session type=TCP. For information about adjacent node entries, see Adjacent Node Entry.
When a Process is submitted, the port number value is determined in the following order:
- If the node name within a Process is defined in the network map, the port number associated with the node name entry is used.
- If the node name within a Process is not defined in the network map, the port number associated with the default entry is used.
- If no port number exists in the communications name field of the default entry, the TCP.LISTEN initialization parameter is used.
- If the TCP.LISTEN initialization parameter is not defined, the port number defaults to 1364.
The PARSESS value for the SNODE is determined in the following order:
- If the node name within a Process is defined in the network map, the PARSESS value associated with the nodename entry is used.
- If the node name within a Process is not defined in the network map, the PARSESS value associated with the default entry is used.
- If no PARSESS value is in the default entry, the PARSESS value defaults to (1,0). A PARSESS value of (1,0) means that Processes to the nodes for which the default entry is used are single-threaded.