
IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS releases prior to v6.1 are indirectly capable of creating a PDSE V2 - if the TO dataset DSNTYPE is LIBRARY and the receiving system’s SYS1.PARMLIB (IGDSMSxx) specifies PDSE_VERSION(2). However, IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS releases prior to v6.1 have no direct control over the PDSE Version, nor do they propagate the version, nor do they have any way of specifying the MAXGENS value. A PDSE V2 created without a MAXGENS specification will take the default of 0.

When a PDSE version 2 is copied to a new PDSE version 2 using IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS v6.1 COPY statement, only the base generation of each member is transferred to the new dataset. Thus, no matter how many generations each member has in the FROM dataset, only one generation which is the base generation of each member will exist in the newly created TO PDSE V2 dataset. Subsequent CD COPY steps to the same PDSE V2 TO dataset replace bases of existing members, and the generations for each replaced member will be rippled by DF/SMS, rolling off any generation which exceeds the MAXGENS value for the TO PDSE V2. In other words, IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS v6.1 has the same limitation as most programs that write a PDSE V2 member, including IEBCOPY and ISPF 3.3.