Additional IBM Connect:Direct Products

You can extend the capabilities of a single IBM® Connect:Direct® server with IBM Connect:Direct Select and IBM Connect:Direct FTP+.

IBM Connect:Direct Select

IBM Connect:Direct Select provides reliable and secure unattended data delivery between remote sites where IBM Connect:Direct is installed.

In its basic configuration, a IBM Connect:Direct Select node sends files from a watch directory or e-mail inbox to a IBM Connect:Direct server and receives files from the IBM Connect:Direct server. You can also configure IBM Connect:Direct Select to send files to other computers as e-mail attachments, to route files to multiple destinations, and to perform additional processing on received files.

IBM Connect:Direct FTP+

IBM Connect:Direct FTP+ is a solution that is designed to operate as simply as common FTP. It provides a simple, reliable, and secure way to transfer files between a IBM Connect:Direct server at a central processing center and remote sites. IBM Connect:Direct FTP+ operates like an FTP client. It can initiate send or receive operations with the IBM Connect:Direct server, but the server cannot initiate transfers with IBM Connect:Direct FTP+. The complete FTP command set is supported, whether from a command line or a script. Commands that do not have equivalent IBM Connect:Direct operations are accepted and an appropriate message is generated.

While IBM Connect:Direct FTP+ is as simple to use as common FTP, it provides additional benefits not available in FTP. These include:

  • Assured, reliable data delivery. IBM Connect:Direct FTP+ has checkpoint and restart capability. All activity and statistics are logged, so there are verifiable audit trails of all actions.
  • Secure data delivery. IBM Connect:Direct FTP+ is compatible with Connect:Direct Secure Plus, so that data can be safely sent in an encrypted format, safe from hackers and data thieves.
  • Data integrity checking. IBM Connect:Direct ensures the integrity of the transferred data and verifies that no data is lost during transmission.
  • Seamless integration into IBM Connect:Direct environments. Because IBM Connect:Direct FTP+ is an IBM product, it is easily integrated into existing IBM Connect:Direct networks, with minimal changes required to the IBM Connect:Direct server.

You can install IBM Connect:Direct FTP+ on Microsoft Windows, UNIX, or Linux® computers.