Configuring Connect:Direct for Unix for Custom Locations of Connect:Direct Backups and Installation Programs

Use the following parameters to set the Connect:Direct, Agent backup and installer locations to be used before an upgrade.

Table 1. Initialization Parameters
Parameter (initparm) Definition Possible Values

Set this parameter in backup.locations initparm record to specify the location where backup of Connect:Direct will be stored before an upgrade.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path, not same as installation directory. It should not be a sub directory of <installation directory> or agent.backup path.


Set this parameter in backup.locations initparm record to specify the location where backup of Install Agent will be stored before an upgrade.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path, not same as installation directory or cd.backup path. It should not be a sub directory of <installation directory> or cd.backup path.


Set this parameter in backup.locations initparm record to specify the location where installer will be stored, which can be used during emergency restore.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path.


Set this parameter in install.agent initparm record to specify the location of installer download during upgrade via Control Center Director.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path.