Creating a Copy Statement

The Copy statement copies a file from one IBM® Connect:Direct® node to another. The Copy Statement page contains several subpages that allow you to specify copy options. Copy options vary according to platform.

  1. From the Process Builder Summary page, select Copy and to display the Process Builder Copy Statement Main Options page.

    Asterisks indicate required fields on this page.

  2. Type a label for the Copy step.
  3. Select the Copy Direction.
  4. Type the Source File name. If the file is on the PNODE, you can click to browse to the file.
    Note: The browse feature is only available on Connect:Direct for z/OS® 4.4, Connect:Direct for UNIX 3.6, Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows 4.1, and Connect:Direct for HP NonStop 3.4 or later releases. Special characters (such as single quotes) in the directory name or file name are not supported for the browse feature.
  5. Select the Source DISP.
  6. Type the Destination File name. If the file is on the PNODE, you can click to browse to the file.
  7. Select the Destination DISP.
  8. Select the Compression characteristics if you want to compress the file during transmission.
  9. Select the Checkpoint/Restart characteristics if you want IBM Connect:Direct to set checkpoints when it transmits the file.
  10. Select another Copy Statement option, or click to return to the Process Builder Summary page.