Secure+ Parameters File Audit Log Entries

Each audit log has the following header:


When a parameter file is created or opened, an ID is generated that associates the change with the node being updated as shown in the following:


The following fields may appear in a create, update, or delete audit record.

Field Name Description
Name Name of the node
BaseRecord Name of the base record
Type Record type of local, remote, or alias
Protocol Enables Connect:Direct® Secure Plus protocol
Override Enables overriding the current node
AuthTimeOut Authentication timeout
SslTlsTrustedRootCertFile Pathname to trusted roots file
SslTlsCertFile Pathname to key certificate file
SslTlsCertPassphrase Key certificate passphrase (masked)
SslTlsEnableClientAuth Enable client authentication
SslTlsCertCommonName Common name of the remote certificate to verify
SslTlsEnableCipher List of SSL/TLS cipher suites
SslTlsSeaEnable Enable external authentication
SslTlsSeaCacheEnable Enable caching External Authentication Server certificate validation response.
SeaCacheValidityTime Time duration during which the local cache entry is valid for certificates
SeaGraceValidityTime Number of hours when the local cache entry of certificate expires and External Authentication Server is unavailable such that Connect:Direct Secure Plus can accept it from its cache.
SeaCertValDef External authentication validation definition
SeaHost External authentication host name
SeaPort External authentication port number

Secure+ Parameters File Audit Log Error Reporting

Errors are reported for the following logging functions: open log, write log, and lock log. If an error occurs during one of these functions, an error message is displayed, and the application is terminated. The lock function times out after 30 seconds. Typically, Secure+ Admin Tool or the Secure+ CLI hold the lock for less than one second per update.