Access Certificate Audit Logs
Certificate audit information located in the SSTR and CTRC records cannot be accessed directly using Connect:Direct® Requester or Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface. To access certificate information, you can issue a query directly to the database or use an SDK-based or JAI-based program to issue a Select Statistics command. The response to the Select Statistics command contains the AuditInfo field of the statistics records, including the SSTR and CTRC records. This field contains certificate audit information.
The following example was generated using a database query. The certificate audit information is highlighted in bold.
'2007-05-21 14:50:27', 2, 'SSTR', 'CAEV', '',
0, '2007-05-21 14:50:26', '2007-05-21 14:50:27', '', '', 'JLYON-XP.4400',
0, 'MSGI=LSMI004I|SBST=(&NODE=JLYON-XP.4400)|PNOD=JLYON-XP.4400|CSPE=Y|CSPP=TLSv1|CSPS=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA| CERT=(/C=US/ST=MA/L=Marshfield/ '2007-05-21 14:50:28', 2, 'CTRC', 'CAPR', 'SAMPLE', 1,
'2007-05-21 14:50:27', '2007-05-21 14:50:28', 'JLYON-XP.4400', 'jlyon',