Planning the Connect:Direct File Agent Configuration
Before you begin configuring Connect:Direct® File Agent, you must use IBM® Connect:Direct to choose or create the Processes that perform the actions you want to automate. You will need to carefully configure Connect:Direct File Agent to connect to the IBM Connect:Direct server and to monitor and detect conditions (such as a file addition to a directory). At detection, Connect:Direct File Agent submits the Process for executing actions that need to be performed in response to those conditions.
Refer to Connect:Direct for UNIX Configuration Examples to review some configuration scenarios that can help you plan your Connect:Direct File Agent configuration. When you configure Connect:Direct File Agent, it is best to take an incremental approach; that is, first specify the server connection, a default Process, and the watched directories. Run a test from the command line to ensure that the default Connect:Direct File Agent configuration is working correctly. After a successful test of the default configuration, you can run the Connect:Direct File Agent Configuration Interface again to start building and testing any Connect:Direct File Agent rules that you want to apply, one by one. After you successfully create a default configuration, you can use the file as the basis for other configuration files.
Use the Connect:Direct File Agent Worksheet to gather the information to configure Connect:Direct File Agent. Contact your system administrator for the site-specific information to establish a connection to the IBM Connect:Direct server. As you complete the worksheet, run the Connect:Direct File Agent Configuration Interface and use the Connect:Direct File Agent Help system to learn about entering parameters. The Help system provides descriptions of parameters and arguments to specify in the configuration file. Make copies of this worksheet if you have to configure Connect:Direct File Agent on multiple IBM Connect:Direct servers.