SIGNON Command
The SIGNON command has the following format and associated parameters. The required parameters and keywords are in bold print. Default values for parameters and subparameters are underlined.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | SIGNON | NETMAP = network map data set name |
CASE= Yes | No | ||
COMADDR= (Port number, IP address | alias name) | ||
ESF= Yes | No | ||
FOLD= Yes | No | ||
NODE= node name | ||
PACCT= 'pnode accounting data' | ||
PRINT= destination of printed output | ||
SACCT= 'snode accounting data' | ||
SPACE= (CYL | TRK | blk,([prim],[sec])) | ||
TMPDD= preallocated data set ddname | ||
TMPDSN= preallocated data set name | ||
UNIT= temporary dsn unit type | ||
USERID= (ID, pswd, newpswd) | ||
VOLSER= volume serial | ||
DESCRIPTION= '30-character string' | ||
TIMEOUT= Yes | No |
Parameter Value | Description |
NETMAP = network map data set name | Specifies the network map data set name, which is a 1-44 alphanumeric character string with the first character alphabetic. This parameter is required. Ask your administrator for information about completing this value. If you provide the DMNETMAP DD name in the job stream used with DMBATCH, you are not required to include this parameter with the SIGNON command. If you specify the data set name in both places, the network map data set name you specify on the SIGNON command takes precedence. For the IUI, the network map data set name is specified in the ISPF/PDF Primary Option Menu as a parameter of the DMISTART program. This data set name is established by your IBM® Connect:Direct® administrator at installation and is not indicated through the IUI SIGNON command screens. |
CASE= Yes | No | The CASE parameter determines case sensitivity. It specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and data set name in the commands which follow the signon must be case sensitive. The default is No. This parameter is optional. You can override this designation on a command-by-command basis by adjusting the case sensitivity parameter on the individual command. |
COMADDR= (Port number, IP address | alias name) | Specifies the communications address used in TCP/IP connections to the DTF. This parameter is specified only if the TRANSPORT parameter is set to TCP. The port number specifies the port number used for TCP/IP communications. This value is the value from the TCP.API.LISTEN initialization parameter of the DTF that you want to sign on to. The IP address/alias name specifies the IP address or alias name used for TCP/IP communications. If you use the COMADDR parameter, you must specify both the port number and IP address/alias name. If you use alias name or long domain name resolution, you do not need to supply the IP address in the COMADDR parameter or in the COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESS field during Connect:Direct SIGNON. The name resolution feature resolves a valid alias name or long domain name to the matching IP address. The maximum length of the IP address|alias name variable is 16 characters. If you want to use an LDNS (long domain name system) or an alias name greater than 16 characters, the name must be defined in the network map, and the TRANSPORT must be coded as NET. Note: Allocate the SYSTCPD DD to the
TCPDATA file in both the Connect:Direct
startup JCL and API session startup JCL when you request domain name resolution.
ESF= Yes | No | Specifies whether the Extended Submit Facility (ESF) is available for the current signon. This parameter is optional. The default value is Yes. The ESF enables you to submit Processes even if the DTF is not active. When signing on to a Connect:Direct DTF that is active, but with no VTAM APPLID available, the ESF enables signon to the DTF. When you submit the Process it is enabled and placed in the TCQ as soon as the ESF.WAIT time expires. ESF is available only for Processes submitted on the local node. You can only issue the Connect:Direct SIGNON, SUBMIT, and SIGNOFF commands using the ESF; all other Connect:Direct commands are rejected. CAUTION: If you use the MAXDELAY PROCESS statement keyword, the message SCBI221I
MAXDELAY not supported for ESF submits, is displayed when the DTF is down and the Process
will not submit.
FOLD= Yes | No | Determines printing upper case control. It specifies whether printed output, an option of the various SELECT commands, are all uppercase letters. The default value is No, specifying printed output of uppercase and lowercase letters. This parameter is optional. |
NODE= node name | Specifies the name of the node (DTF) you sign on to. It is the name assigned to a node defined in the network map definitions. This parameter is optional. |
PACCT= 'pnode accounting data' | Specifies the accounting data for the primary node (PNODE). The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. If special characters, such as a space, are part of the accounting data, you must enclose the string in single quotation marks. Connect:Direct uses this data as a default for each Process unless you override it on the SUBMIT command, PROCESS statement, or SUBMIT statement. This parameter is optional. |
PRINT= destination of printed output | Specifies an allocation string that determines the destination of the printed output that you request on the various SELECT commands. This parameter is optional. SYSOUT=A is the default value. An example follows. 'SYSOUT=C DEST=RMT1 FREE=CLOSE RETURN=(DD)'
You must include both |
RECONNECT | Specifies that you can reestablish your VTAM session without having to sign off and sign on again. You can lose a VTAM session due to a link or line failure. This parameter is optional. The USERID parameter is the only other parameter that you specify with the RECONNECT option. |
SACCT= 'snode accounting data' | Specifies the accounting data for the secondary node (SNODE). This parameter is optional. The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. If special characters, such as a space, are part of the accounting data, you must enclose the string in single quotation marks. Connect:Direct uses this data as a default for each Process unless you override it on the SUBMIT command, PROCESS statement, or SUBMIT statement. |
SPACE= (CYL | TRK | blk,([prim],[sec])) | Specifies the temporary data set (TMPDSN) allocation type, primary space allocation, and secondary space allocation. This parameter is optional. The first subparameter is the allocation type. An allocation type of CYL specifies space allocation by cylinder. CYL is the default value. An allocation type of TRK specifies space allocation by track. An allocation type of blk specifies space allocation by the average block length of the data. Connect:Direct computes the number of tracks to allocate. The second subparameter, prim, specifies the primary allocation of storage. The default value is 1. The third subparameter, sec, specifies the secondary allocation of storage. The default value is 1. |
TMPDD= preallocated data set ddname | Specifies the ddname of a user-supplied preallocated data set. The maximum length is an 8-character alphanumeric string. This parameter is optional. Do not use both the TMPDD and TMPDSN parameters at the same time in the SIGNON command. |
TMPDSN= preallocated data set name | Specifies the name of a preallocated data set used to receive command results that are printed or displayed. The data set name is a 1-44 alphanumeric character string that must conform to z/OS standards for data set names. This parameter is optional, and when not specified, Connect:Direct builds a system temporary data set. It normally derives the name for the data set based on your TSO ID. In some cases, this derived data set name violates your facility naming convention. Use the Signon Defaults screen to override the data set name as needed. If you name a data set at signon time, preallocate it with the following attributes prior to signing on to Connect:Direct (4104 is the minimum BLKSIZE):
Do not use both the TMPDD and TMPDSN parameters at the same time in the SIGNON command. |
TRANSPORT= SNA | TCP | NETmap | Defines the communications protocol to use for the session. This parameter is optional. The default value (NETmap) indicates that the protocol defined in the network map is used for the session. A value of SNA tells Connect:Direct to establish the session using SNA. You must define the node you are signing on to as an SNA node, or the SIGNON Process fails. A value of TCP tells Connect:Direct to establish a TCP/IP session. Connect:Direct uses the communications address specified in the COMADDR parameter (see page 62 for a description of the COMADDR parameter), if that parameter is specified as part of the SIGNON command. If the COMADDR parameter is not specified, Connect:Direct tries to establish the session using the communications address from the network map. If an invalid COMADDR parameter is supplied, Connect:Direct establishes an ESF API session. |
UNIT= temporary dsn unit type | Specifies the temporary data set name (TMPDSN) unit type, which must be a 1-8 alphanumeric character string defining the unit type for data set allocation. This parameter is optional. If omitted, the operating system defined default for DASD is used by dynamic allocation. |
USERID= (ID, pswd, newpswd) | Specifies your signon security information. This parameter is optional. ID specifies the security ID that Connect:Direct passes to a security exit. It can contain 1-64 characters of any kind, and is case-sensitive. pswd specifies the current security password. The security exit uses this parameter to validate the current security password. It contains 1-64 alphanumeric characters, and is case-sensitive. newpswd specifies the new security password. The security exit uses this parameter to change the current security password to the new security password. It contains 1-64 alphanumeric characters, and is case-sensitive. When you attempt a sign on to a remote node, the user ID and password information must correspond to security procedures at that remote node. |
VOLSER= volume serial | Specifies the temporary data set name (TMPDSN) volume serial number, which must be a 1-8 character alphanumeric string defining the volume serial number for data set allocation. This parameter is optional. |
DESCRIPTION= '30-character string' | Describes the API type that is logging on. It is displayed with the Select Task command. If Connect:Direct cannot determine the API type, the communication address is used. Defaults: DMCHLAPI, DMBATCH, ISPFIUI, CONSOLEUI, ICOUI, CICSUI, and Java Application Interface |
TIMEOUT= Yes | No | Specifies whether the value specified for the TCP.API.TIMER global initialization parameter applies to this specific user. This parameter is optional. The system will only accept changes to this field made by an administrator and only for their own IUI session; all others will be governed by the initialization parameter. The default value is Yes. Do not use the TIMEOUT keyword in DMBATCH. |