Copying a File from zOS to Microsoft Windows using Substitution in a Destination Path:

This example shows how to use symbolic substitution to specify Microsoft Windows path names in a COPY statement.

In this example, the z/OS data set TEST.DATASET is copied to the Microsoft Windows file STERLING\CD\CDWIN\TEMP\TEST.TXT

  1. Create a batch command that signs on to IBM® Connect:Direct®, submits a Process that creates the variables, and signs off:
      SIGNON USERID=(userid,)
         SUBMIT PROC=EXNTDIR      -
         &DIR1=CDWIN              -
         &DIR2=TEMP               -

    This Process creates the following variables:

    Variable Value Description
    TEST.DATASET The name of the source data set.
    CDWIN Third level of the destination path.
    TEMP Fourth level of the destination path.
    TEST.TXT The destination file name.
  2. Create the following Process to copy the file:
    NTDIRPTH  PROCESS                                               -
              SNODE=STERLING.WINDOWS                                -
              &DIR1=,                                               -
              &DIR2=,                                               -
       SYMBOL &S2 = CD
       SYMBOL &TODSN = \'\\\ || &S1 || \\ || &S2 || \\ ||           -
          &DIR1 || \\ || &DIR2 || \\ || &FILENAME || \'\
    STEP01   COPY  FROM (PNODE                                      -
                         DSN=&FROMDSN                               -
                         DISP=SHR)                                  -
                   TO   (DSN=&TODSN                                 -
                         SYSOPTS="DATATYPE(TEXT)"                   -

    This Process defines the following symbolic values:

    Variable Value Description
    STERLING First level of the destination path.
    CD Second level of the destination path.
    \'\\\ . . . &FILENAME || \'\ The full destination path.

    The following table shows how the &TODSN variable resolves (two vertical bars [ || ] indicate concatenation).

    Value Resolves to . . .

    As a result, the &TODSN variable resolves to