Copy a Member of an Object from i5/OS to a PDS Member and then Deleting the Library

This Process copies a member of an object from i5/OS to a member of a PDS on z/OS. The RUN TASK then deletes the library (with all its objects) from the i5/OS node.

PROC#001  PROCESS      SNODE=OS400.CD1                 -
                       PNODE=SC.OS390.CDA              -
                       PRTY=8                          -
                       NOTIFY=%USER                    -
                       CLASS=4                         -
                       HOLD=NO                         -
STEP001   COPY  FROM  (                                -
                       SNODE                           -
                       DSN=’LIBRY/RSMITH(LRECL80)’     -
                       SYSOPTS="TYPE(MBR)"             -
                       DISP=SHR                        -
                      )                                -
                       COMPRESS                        -
                TO    (                                -
                       PNODE                           -
                       DSN=RSMITH.OS400.CNTL(LRECL80)  -
                       DISP=SHR                        -
STEP002   RUN TASK    (PGM=AS400) SNODE                -
                       SYSOPTS=\"\                     -
                               \ CMD( \                -
                               \ DLTLIB \              -
                               \ LIB(LIBRY) \          -
                               \ ) \                   -